
He literally said nothing about one being better than the other, just different aspects like graphics being better on the PC, where they are unanimously agreed upon industry wide to be so. He also said the deals on PC are better and they generally are, and you dont have to go scrounging through a ton of places to find

“Every time they update this list I get the same flawed arguments about PC gaming being cheaper than a similarly speced console.

MGS5 was like $10 bucks during the last Steam Sale. Not really comparable to buying a game for $30

“Not everyone wants to spend close to a thousand bucks for a PC that will struggle with games a year or 2 after its bought.” This is literally not the case, and my 5 year old PC that smokes any game out there says so.

The biggest upgrade any system can make since old i5's from years ago still plow through games is the graphics card. My system could use an upgrade at this point and all it would take to make every game run on ultra at 2k 60fps is an upgrade to my graphics card, which coincidentally, the RX 480 would do just the trick

Eh, hey now. Id venture to say console gaming is more expensive, in that ive had the same $1200 PC for two generations now. That’s nearly $1000 between two consoles at launch if I got a PS3 and PS4 at full asking price at launch. Given that I’ve probably spent $60 on a game less than six times in that whole time

Ya, screw this award that means nothing about your enjoyment of the titles you played this year! Its ruining those games! How will you ever be able to enjoy playing other games now knowing Overwatch won some arbitrary thing in your life!?

The way people act in the game is not the fault of the developer. Not one bit. They design the game, not how people treat each other in it. Millions of people a day play Overwatch. Millions of copies sold. It’s the biggest gaming title of the year, even more so than Pokemon Go, which itself was a CULTUrAL phenomenon

Ah man, The Witcher 3 isnt a complete game either because it only does a bunch of stuff that other games have done before like give you QUESTS and have you fight things with SWORDS and ride a HORSE. There’s nothing unique about it, everything it does has been done before! It doesnt even have a multiplayer mode! Its

People are still dumb enough to be hung up on the loot box microtransactions. Let me spell this out for you - all of the game mechanics that happen within any match, with any character, on any map, in any mode - NONE of that is affected at all by microtransactions. They are optional content that you can earn through

There was no bigger game in the industries consciousness this year except maybe Pokemon GO. Pokemon GO was a cultural phenomenon for a second there, but it fizzled out real quick once people realized it was shallow trash. That leaves Overwatch as the biggest gaming title of the year in terms of sheer attention paid to

If I remember correctly The Orange Box won Game of the Year that year, not just TF2.

“Yes, they could slap together a haphazard emulator and call it a day, but then the same exact people are going to be bitching about a subpar user experience.”

That they’re even in the position of having to slap together something like that is what makes this laughable. They should have planned the VC out long ago as it

This is a moronic argument. Having a proper VC is just printing money for Nintendo. People love to buy and play old games still, especially Nintendo fans. That there are so few launch titles for the Switch means that it needs something to pad out its library until more releases come, something the VC could have easily

If Nintendo wants this to be more than a first party/last gen 3rd party system, they’re going to need to allow external storage.

So will all games need to install on the system? Will only downloaded games take up hard drive space? Will cartridge based games need to install anything at all, or will they work strictly from the cartridge?

To be fair, Wilmore did tell him to “go fuck himself” a few times. Which is something that I THOUGHT I wanted, until it happened. Then it made me feel sad that anyone was stopping to that level. Both people yelling at each other like idiots across a table. I was kinda ashamed. I had to turn it off. If Maher would have

Taking down PewDiePie is going to do so much to take down Internet news, way more than the past election has... Riiiiight....

I see a lot of people claiming they dropped a significant amount after a string of losses, like 400SR. My advice would be: Play a game. Just one. If you win, keep playing. If your team did particularly well, try and group with a few of them, if not all. That DOES Not mean you have a “leet” group. One stomp can be a

Here’s an idea: stop reporting and covering these Shitbags and giving them free publicity.