
“Yes, I, too, have a bachelors in English lit that’s never earned me any money.”

Apparently you don’t, as this sentence is nothing but one giant fuck up.

Good. Bye now. Your relevance ran out long ago.

“Seriously, do you remember how Nintendo announced the Wii U? At E3 2011, Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime got on stage and started talking about names (“Is it unique? Unifying? Maybe even utopian?”) and a “new controller,” which left those of us in the audience stupefied. Was this an add-on for the Wii? An

“Seriously, do you remember how Nintendo announced the Wii U? At E3 2011, Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime got on stage and started talking about names (“Is it unique? Unifying? Maybe even utopian?”) and a “new controller,” which left those of us in the audience stupefied. Was this an add-on for the Wii? An

It’s almost as if he’s heard the same comments time and again and is tired of them!

He’s not saying the injured players. He’s talking about their teammates and the coaches. They should have had teammates getting them up and off the field ASAP. Unless it’s a spinal injury or something where movement can cause catastrophic damage

How is he the “walking embodiment of privilege”? He was the 166th pick in his draft after having an unremarkable career in Michigan. He worked hard to get to where he is and that’s coming from a Steelers fan

Look, I get that Rockstar keeps adding new things to the game, but what I was most interested in MP wise was the hiests. They released them early and there are far too few of them. It set the bar high and additional deathmatches and game modes aren’t going to compare to that. Hiests are still the best way to earn cash

I just think, as much of your readership probably does too, that we’ve been here for about two years now -Two years of repulsive Tweets, two years of new evidence of his horrific behavior and language, two years of him saying whatever fucked up thing he wants, two years of political scandals- and all that’s come from

The Bennett Brothers are two of the most insufferable sacks of shit in the league.

“Man that was a sick punch you landed there after letting up like 5 goals. “

My fiance wanted to get a console. We were leaning toward a PS4 but when I told her about the switch, she was intrigued. I was debating about waiting for the Switch or getting a PS4 but the lack of info on price and release date left me thinking PS4, cuz I didn’t really wanna wait for a long time. This announcement

Lol at this comment, like Trump hasnt repeatedly said he wants to “bring people together” in his appearances since being elected. He says the same thing that you bash liberals for, except at least WE know hes full of shit.

Hey, at least those “hot takes” about Bernie being able to compete with Trump haven’t been actually proven wrong, unlike all the hot takes about how easily Hillarys inevitable victory was going to be (how’d that work out for, oh idk, everyone?)

“Instead, we’ve got his hombres on Twitter congratulating themselves for bitchin’ Confederacy jokes and leaving it at that, because that really moves the national numbers.”

Thank you, alternate reality traveler, for coming here and telling me what “definitely would have happened” based on your ideas of how people “would have voted”. Here in our reality, we were REALLY FUCKING SURE that Hillary was going to win this election handily. It was plastered all over sites like this, and the same

Ya I’m pretty sure I gained everything about the story from the games and understood it just fine. It’s a typical sci fi action game plot so it’s a little underwritten but it definitely has a story

Maybe? I mean she does spend an awfully long time shitting on the game and it’s players, and even after saying she had a good time, her opinion of it is still pretty negative. It’s low hanging fruit IMO. We give her the credit of “just kidding around” because she’s a writer here at Kotaku, but that same logic isn’t

Which halo 3 has in spades