
“paying $400 every other year is going to alienate people.”

Sony commented months ago saying it wouldn't approve games that run worse in 4k than they do in 1080P

It’s almost like we had this EXACT conversation before in concerns to 1080p TV adoption rates the LAST generation, and yet this is “new and uncharted territory”

I think this article is overblown. Consumers can't handle 4 possible outcomes that are pretty straight forward and easy to understand if they take a moment to do ANY research or ask a customer service person at best buy? This announcement is only confusing if you're literally the laziest person on the planet and can't

There really is no pleasing you people. You complain a console is underpowered at launch and then they give you a new console earlier, and you bitch that it's too soon and it's not powerful enough. If this thing was $600 you'd flip shit and be like "we just bought our consoles and this thing is WAYYY too expensive".

Do they really have the means to take care of a reclusive son? After all the legal costs? I honestly just dont know what his parents make, but everyone makes his family seem like they are rich and I havent seen anything reporting their income. From the looks of the pictures they live in a pretty average looking home

All of the things you mentioned, while tied to people/programs involved in the game of football, happened outside of the confines of the field on a game day. I think he means one of the more shameful things you’ll see take place on the playing surface.

Now playing

I suggest everyone who even remotely found this article insightful to check out this video by George Weidman over at Super Bunnyhop. He does an AMAZING job and goes much more in depth. It was the video that turned me on to his whole channel and the guy does a FANTASTIC job on all of his videos.

“TDK is a very mediocre movie with a villain who lacks any sort of litarary or cinematic reasoning or motivation”

“I’m not familiar enough with Batman lore to argue one way or the other.”

You should have probably stopped there, then.

Who says I’m angry and am only NOW being informed by YOU that superheroes arent “anchored in the most secure logic”? I’m pretty sure that most people recognize that, at a very young age, and just choose not to care because its a fictional/fantasy world that is supposed to operate by different rules than our own.


Ah, because we are talking about OUR cities and not those established in fictional universes. Or do Gotham City and Metropolis actually exist now?

What does this even mean?

There is a reason the games player base has dropped 90%, and your childish reactions wont change that fact. The only baby here is you. Thanks for playing!

Bad troll is just bad

Such a nice picture of you circa right now. If you cant handle peoples opinions, perhaps you shouldnt....live...in the world...

Please, do show me a time where a male national team soccer player called the team they lost to “cowards” and said “the best team definitely did not win” directly after a loss at the mother fucking Olympics - an event with MILLIONS of eyes on it. Ill wait.

“Superhero movies always ride a thin line between comic absurdity and self-seriousness, and TDK just seemed to float around, refusing to land on either side of that fence.”

Just be happy with being in the minority and thinking you’re smarter than everyone else for not liking something everyone else does.

Yep, should just let the criminals be criminals and take over the city. Grand idea.