
Oh, the edge!!

Which is why this is a mod to a game thats already established as one of the best of the year it was released, if not of a generation. So yeah, I dont see your point. This is for people to experience as an ADD ON for a GOOD GAME theyve probably ALREAdy BEATEN.

Mercy is, visually, a straight up rip off of an Evangelion pilot, tho.

And that incident is probably the only one of their ENTIRE relationship you’ve heard, which means its probably not responsible to make an assumption based on it.

All the baseball players/hockey players/football players who react that way and never assaulted anyone ever would like you to rethink your repulsion to someones anger in the moment of competition.

Giving a nod to someone assisting a superstar happens ALL THE TIME in sports. Hitting coaches and hitters. Tennis coaches and their players. Caddies/Swing Coaches and golfers. Plenty of “almost there” athletes take the jump to the next level under different tutelage, and the recognition of those people isn’t to say

Forgot the lack of a Kinect port for the Xbox One S in comparison to the original. Though many don't use it or have stopped using it, it should be included in the article (though you can buy an adapter that allows you to use Kinect with the Xbox One S)

You’re right. There certainly isn’t proof that Hillary is paying people in the DNC off, but we sure do have proof that the DNC basically rigged the system against Bernie from the start. There IS that. That I think, is enough for people to be upset about. I am speculating here, but there is an AWEFUL lot of corporate

Yeah no, thats not a reason for me at all. Its all about policy for me. Nice try tho.

Its not even about that. Trump is obviously worse than Hillary, and thats why Im going to vote for her, but I also want to make sure that I note that is the ONLY reason why she is getting my vote, that its a pretty shitty reason for why you are voting for someone, and to point out all the things I dislike about her as

Sharing and “Adoption without a modicum of conviction” are two different things. Please, continue to ignore Hillary’s track record on most of the issues, her continued flip-flopping, attacking those who have called her out on her change of stance, and giving her the benefit of the doubt that she will “get things

Or perhaps it has to do with literally everything else and how its played out? Perhaps the myriad of other reasons why Bernie supporters might be upset is at play here, besides just woman hate?

Yes, pretend now like you’ll care about mid-term elections and local/state level elections. You wont. You people were the same as Bernie supporters are now, staring wide-eyed at Obama thinking he was the Messiah and then not showing up for mid-term elections and allowing Republicans to obstruct the government the last

“As many others have pointed out, we cannot create lasting change within our political system by only paying attention to presidential elections and then acting surprised when true progressives and third-party candidates flounder. because the DNC will make sure whoever we actually want nominated gets fucked by the

Im a Bernie supporter and I’d be doing the same thing. This whole nomination cycle has been compromised and it seems as though it was all rigged from the beginning to give Hillary the nomination. Im sure those emails and leaks about the DNC rigging the primaries for Hillary won’t be investigated, or if they are,


You're a douche.

I bet you’re the guy who shits all over the guy who goes the extra mile, and pays attention to little details that others don’t think of, at work. I bet you’re petty as fuck, and when someone who goes the extra mile gets recognition you call him “annoying” and actively try to bring them down because you’re insecure

None of the other logos I see even attempt this so, not the same thing in the slightest

So I guess you lose your shit equally when studios present entirely CGI videos made by a third party that has nothing to do with the game and isn’t using the actual games engine at all... I mean, you must, or you're a giant hypocrite who IS in fact, hating.