
Dude, I think theres something lodged in your asshole...

Pretty unimpressed, honestly. I mean, cmon, I can understand being excited to have Red Dead on a next gen console, but its literally the same game. No updates or anything...and they can only give us 30fps? I just dont see the point in celebrating 30fps for something such as this. Surely the Xbox One can handle this

I dont think if I said first there is ray Lewis, then ray rice, and the last time I was in Baltimore there were a bunch of signs about inner city violence, and asked if everyone there was a bunch of violent criminals, it'd go over quite so well.

With that one vlog, James had aligned himself with those angry, white nerds whose content he had both influenced and satirized for years had aligned themselves with him.

Fixed that for you.

“Fair discussion as that may be on surface, splitting the videos up obfuscated the his points and shrouded them in what’s been easily, and frankly, rightly, construed as soft-sexism towards the idea that the new Ghostbusters team is all female.”

Except for the part in the first video, which is EMBEDDED IN THIS VERY

Perhaps they've already though that should be the case, but such an algorithm is really hard/impossible to make work effectively when calculating all that stuff during a fast paced game? I tend to think people smarter than me probably thought of what I thought of long ago, and things that seem "obvious" are just

He didn't say anything about the population of the modes there tho, just the attitudes of people towards them.

I disagree that adding competitive runs against the “for everyone” accessibility of the title. This specific mode does CURRENTLY, but the product overall couldn’t be a “for everyone” product if it didn’t include such a mode, as there are people who ABSOLUTELY want to play this way. If there was no competitive mode I

Bingo. It's a team game and every team needs a leader. It becomes less of a team game when you start criticizing others instead of trying to encourage/work with them. So a guy is set on playing a certain character and won't change. Are you really helping your cause by saying "you're an idiot"? Or would you be better

Most characters can be played both ways is a player is skilled enough though so a person isn't stupid just for a character pick.

I'd venture to bet these problems are all either less or more pronounced depending on platform.

People complaining about INDIVIDUAL players ruining their match for an entire team are therefore pretty bad at playing as a team themselves if they can’t rally the non problem players and win despite the problem player. It’s a team game. A good team should be able to overcome one weak link. I've never encountered more

And....OP didnt suggest it did so...

Apparently you cant see the nuance in feeling for a person who just lost her child, and having a news crew roll up on her property, and the feelings she might have about it, and also not being ok with her saying racist things. You can understand BOTH THINGS! Crazy, I know.

Sophie Kleeman, AKA Lena Dunham. Everything is a gender war. I mean, its not like there arent women out there who like to groom because THEY like it, or it feels good to THEM, or that WOMEN often times ask MEN to groom in the same exact ways. Its 2016. Wake the fuck up. This is pretty standard behavior for both sides.

This article is Gawker in a nutshell: Tearing down literally anything more entertaining/more successful/more viewed/more watched than something they churned out as a pathetic attempt at trying to seem edgy. Look at Deadspin. They hate on literally every publication besides themselves or someone smaller than them.

That opening music sure is awful. Do you enjoy trying to be the NPR of games?

Lebron didnt get what he wanted out of the deal? A ton of money, adoration, endorsements, and two championships?

This E3 did nothing to show that Nintendo has any idea of how to fix itself, or to deflect the criticisms levied on the company for some time now.

Nintendo doesnt know what modern gamers want. We’re at the point where open world games have become so ubiquitous that people are beginning to get tired of the formula and

Now playing

“Was Kojima another guy that needed someone to tell him no and also point out things like deadlines or even keep the over top nature in check? Time might tell but once you get past the fan worship you see he wasn’t the nicest guy in the world to work with anyways.”

Time has told, and I haven’t heard a single thing