
This is next gen, or at least, how it should have been. MS and Sony wanted to release new consoles, but their old ones couldn’t do 1080p, so they decided to make 1080p the standard (except they couldn’t even guarantee THAT with the new consoles) right around the time 4K showed up.

If PS4/Xbox One wanted to be truly

Oh boy, two titles you can point to. Clearly aided two titles. Such a bright, cloud-based future. Interesting that they didnt mention the cloud AT ALL.

A GTX 1070 can get you around 6.5 teraflops of performance by itself. Its also $400 by itself. If Microsoft is planning to release this thing at a loss, its still going to be around $400-$500...And it wont offer any “exclusive” experiences, as Microsoft has stated that wont release any Scorpio exclusives. So Im

Games at a higher resolution, then

I think its safe to say that this is one of those films where user score and critic score are going to differ wildly. The real question will be whether the studio decides to make a sequel. There are two factors that will go into this:

1. Critical and User reception of the film.
2. How much money it makes.

Money is

Applying the argument to the person is the first sign of butthurt. He's playing Devils advocate and you're a costing him like he'd do any of the things he suggested. He's making conversation and you're Pouty and don't wanna hear it. Congrats, you're a child.

Hahahahaha you're funny. Plenty of people use alcohol responsibly. Plenty of people use weed responsibly. Plenty of people end up being drunks and not being able to hold a job. Plenty of people end up being burn outs that can't hold a job. A vice is a vice. I'm sure someone would call you a "worthless pothead" for

But it is "what people want to do" and we live in a reality where a bunch of people don't give a fuck what you think about their drinking habits and need to have rules applied to them as well because they are also people, just like you.

You're a judgemental twit. You assume that everyone that gets "irresponsibly" drunk is an alcoholic, when in fact there are people who SOMETIMES get that way and otherwise don't drink much or don't drink very regularly. You're painting with a wide brush and pretty much everything you've said shows you have a biased


“In 2 to 3 years mobile devices will be capable enough to give the average consumer high quality VR on the go”

Considering the $600 GTX 1080, the most advanced desktop graphics card ever, just came out and is only now delivering the solid 90 FPS needed to run most games in VR without getting sick (it still cant get

Oh please. If it weren’t for super delegates a Bernie win in California would give him 500 more delegates and he would overtake Hillary. If he were receiving such an ass kicking in actual vote that wouldn’t be possible.

More people voted for her, but barely, if you remove superdelegates. The difference in delegates between Sanders and Clinton shrinks to a mere 300 if superdelegates are removed, and Sanders has won three of the last four primaries.

The only reason she is ahead is because of superdelegates, who can side with either

And you missed the point entirely

In this flawed fucked up system, Bernie should get out because there is no winning.

But that doesnt mean that the system isnt entirely broken and this whole election would have gone a completely different route if it wasnt.

The fact that we’re being told we just need to shut up and “get real” speaks to how sad the

The whole outrage comes from the fact that a hack like this can even influence the aggregate score of a game that’s received industry wide acclaim. As with anything subjective, if you go in looking for confirmation of your bias you’re bound to find something that you can spin to make your point. This guy’s whole

It’s hardly ridiculous. A company that provides software and services like Microsoft builds it’s reputation on whether those things are effective, good things. GFWL was not. And that’s not just a fan opinion. EVERYONE hated GFWL. it was trash. So using history as a guide, I don’t find it the least bit “tribal” for

“The only truly balanced game they’ve ever made was the original Modern Warfare and maybe some past WW2 shooters like CoD3 and World at War.”

Oh to be young and think the WWII portion of the COD franchise started with World at War. Nothing will ever touch the magic of the first COD and its expansion, United Offensive.

Youre expecting something out of the COD franchise that its NEVER delivered...I.E. to be a non scripted sandbox. Its always been a linear, scripted affair. What rose colored glasses do people use to see parts of a franchise that never existed in the first place?

And ya, people bitched about the series being in modern

“It’s cool if you like purchasing the same game every year just stay with the fad.”

It is pretty cool. Hey so, how does it feel to say the same thing about the franchise every year and to have people still enjoy it despite that and for Activision to sell millions of copies? Does your complaining get rid of the