
Remastered COD4 will only be good on PC if they include a server browser like it was originally intended. If they mess with that and make us go through matchmaking it’s a no sale for me. Amazing that more people are excited about the remaster than the new game ... And telling..

I get no such feeling from this footage. The enemies didnt even attack half the time. Seriously, they just lumber around waiting for you to kill them.

To you, specifically because you like the challenge. Sure, it might be more realistic, but how fun is that going to be for people that dont particularly enjoy running into a level and being killed almost instantly? Game devs have to account for so many types of players and scale the AI according to that. Sure, you

Typical troll. Enter an argument with a condescending comment, you’re surprised when one is returned to you (barely) and then youre the first one to sling any actual insults. Then you get offended the person responds in kind. Just go away.

It’d be an improvement if he realized that his popularity came from pandering to young children who are equally loud and obnoxious all for the sake of making a scene and his content improved beyond the childish antics they are into something substantive. If he did anything more than be a bit more PC while pumping out

It's nice to see this shit go the other way for once. So many times a console game gets ported to PC and is broken or runs like garbage, and is relegated to being ported by a shoddy developer rather than the actual studio who made it.

Schilling was a douche no doubt, but the industry was in a bad place when he bought the studio. Even smaller studios that put out good and successful games were struggling to break even or secure funding because of the increase of development costs and the lack of interest in anything but AAA’s during the time. The

See, I dont like this attitude. Its too absolutists. Sure, you could not buy a title because you dont agree with Curt Schilling and you dont wanna put more money in his pockets, but you could also buy a game because its good and be happy youre supporting the workers who put a lot of time and effort into it and who

I know that Curt Schilling probably wasnt the best CEO for a game developer, but to suggest that his mismanagement led to the demise of the studio is kind of jumping to conclusions. He picked up a small developer and tried to deliver a third-rate fantasy RPG in a time where small studios were being gobbled up by

This argument is stupid. Outside of exclusive games, you were always getting an “inferior” version because you didnt own the game on PC. PC will always be superior. Youll still have the “inferior” version of most games if you buy the NEO. Youre missing out on improved performance and graphics, which you have ALWAYS

Except aim matters since people that cant shoot wont do much damage,and people that can pull off headshots easily can kill you in a second.

A lot of these developers are located in major cities where property values have forced living wages to be much higher. $50ish K for where you live might be comfortable, but in San Francisco, New York, LA... it's not much at all.

I want to witness the sedimentary layers of a decade’s worth of changes and improvements

Well considering Gears and Halo both reviewed worse and we're less beloved by fans once taken under the stewardship of new developers, I'd say sure, plenty of people don't agree, but plenty of people are basing that off of their experience with titles with different developers that were part of a previous trilogy.

He didn't say "my opinion is fact" he said "for me"

You realize your comment suggests stopping discussion altogether on this page simply because people who like the game don't wanna hear a negative viewpoint, right?

Yeah so youre saying the move of a formerly globally recognized company to bankroll their entire set of IPs into pachinko machines isnt based solely on their horrible mismanagement of their franchises to the point that nobody cares or buys them anymore outside of Metal Gear...Youre saying THATS not the issue, but

Yeah you can still opt in to make an album without getting permission. Paying royalties isn’t getting permission, its accepting consequences.

Not really. Its pretty not absurd actually. Sure, they have every right to shut them down, but there are plenty of companys (Valve, Bethesda) who have seen fan remakes, havent shut them down, and even wholehartedly endorsed them. Black Mesa is for SALE on Steam right now. Sometimes modders working on these projects

“It’s a fantastical and hyperbolic parallel situation brought up to illustrate what is happening here. SM isn’t a cover, its an illegal copy, and every game like this always will be.”

Yeah except this happens all the time. Just ask King Games how many smaller developers IPs they’ve ripped off and sold as their own