
“that was literarly a game they would have never made so it was a much more embraced fan gesture as it wasn’t infringing on an actual possible game”

They didnt make it yet, but they very well could have, and since companys are SO about protecting their IPs, wouldnt they want to squash any and all things like that? For

I think a lot of their unwillingness to change comes from the fact that there are multiple movies in production right now at varying points of completion, and as part of a shared universe that will all link together, making changes will mean making changes to multiple movies.

I think the problem with DC attempting to

No matter how good I get at a game, I know there is a Korean person out there who could kick my ass at it, because they just seem to dominate any game they wanna play seriously and put time into. Starcraft. LoL. Any freaking MOBA ever. Im not so up to date on how well their teams tend to do in shooters, I never really

You know, except for all the articles around the Internet that have criticized him, including on this site.

“The best cosplay” = you must be hot! But were totally not oggling you with our eyes we swear.

“it is definitely something she has worked to create”

So youre telling me that a girl who was already fabulously rich “worked hard” to cultivate a brand, instead of using said money to hire a bunch of people to cultivate her brand for her like so many other famous people do? God, people are naive.

“Being the head/face of several businesses, networking, modeling, promotion, successful at being on reality tv. Those are all skills.”

And you know she actively takes part in decisions concerning all of those things? Or possibly, like anyone making that much money, she hires people to do all of that shit for her, and

People dislike Kim based on the fact she has provided nothing to the world of value other than spectacle, just like everyone had a problem with the male AND female cast of shows like the Jersey Shore. People have a problem coming to terms with the fact that there are people out there making fathoms more than them a

You’re right, it was such hard work for her to hire a publicity team off the money she already had from her family and capitalize on the world’s voyeuristic tendencies post-sex tape. Such hard work.

Uh no, it gets applied to athletes and celebrities both male and female all the time. Please stop.

I’m not saying that I don’t agree with pretty much everything you say, but we were talking about the subject at hand:the necessity for cut fruit, why it costs more, and the waste it creates.

their pre-cut fruit is some kind of super-special-artisan-ultra-healthy-organic-wonderfruit,

Higher prices and added waste for convenience sake is nothing new people.

You know, my sister was married and had children at a very young age. Now in her 40's, shes trying to come to terms with the fact that she really enjoys doing what she wants. Taking trips, visiting friends, just generally having a good time all around. Shes enjoying her 40's like she was never married at all. But her

Please. This guy is a tell for his own ego and marketing. Whatever artistry he speaks of is all hype created by him and the media. He’s a master of it. He has a game coming out. The only reason for the album title is for cross promotion. It’s easy to cover. It’ll get people to try his game. More money.

Oh please, theyre just bad. Watch the last episode when they featured Doom, it was god awful. The whole time he was oh my gawding. “WHAT! YOU CAN RIP PEOPLES ARMS OFF!! HOLY COW A GAME IS VIOLENT!!” It was seriously him shouting at gore the whole time. We get it. Violence is CRAAAAYYYZZZEE. But how many times have we

Christ, more piling on by the detached internet.

You guys are so thirsty for hate for this author. Its sad. Inspecting every word in his senteces for one or two words that EMPHATICALLY PROVE why he “isnt that sorry” or was trying to make the guy seem “sympathetic”.

This is like a scientist who has a hypothesis and,

“apparent fascination with the fact that this guy played football in school”

Hes a sports writer. Football is a sport.

I mean, there is a massive market for people interested in criminals. Look at how many pieces have been published over the years about serial killers. Theyre monsters too, but people just want to know more about criminals, especially the most dispicable ones.

Is it some sickness, or is it just wanting more

This is....is this satire? Because this is Japanese film here, so I cant really tell anymore...