
Im usually all “fuck rich white people too” but I mean, being rich does come with some caveats. If hes seeking pity, the hell with that, but if hes just voicing something he has to deal with - people pre-judging him based on being rich and Donald Trump’s son - he has a point. I doubt few people would dig deep enough

Drew makes a point to include a curse in every title so YOU KNOW how serious his opinions are. You can only be steeped in mature fact if you swear LIKE A MAN!!

You mean they did the same thing they do every fucking year, trying to create drama around something far less impactful than they make it out to be?

Oh the humanity of sports broadcasting for the last 4 decades!!

“And Manning has gotten this preferential treatment despite the fact that, for two decades, he has played the most robotic, boring, aesthetically unexciting brand of football possible.”

Because sports isnt about winning or anything. No, we dont want real sports, we want WWE.

The definition of edgy sports writing is when Deadspin keeps making these “fuck this person” articles like they are so brave, they arent afraid of consequences. Its not brave, because there wont be consequences, because people hold JOURNALISTS to standards that might result in consequences. Journalists dont work at

gamerassaultweekly.com is pretty good

Nobody wants to do those things because they don't fucking work properly.

“what I looked like”..

They still make this shit awful series?

“ I have to tear the thing down, load it into my car, set it back up... and repeat when I go home. It’s a chore. Takes forever, and would be much nicer to have a laptop with hardly any setup time”

Any serious PC gamer has a collection of extra cables and probably an extra mouse or keyboard lying around (or there are

A desktop isnt that big, and there are a lot of desks designed for dorms and desktops that are TINY. If one must have a great computer for playing games, but also needs to have a laptop to travel for class, I think buying a sweet desktop for $900 and then spending another $300-$400 on a cheaper laptop is the way to

And I bet you think the meaningless, mindless checklist content that Ubisoft stuffs their games with is just the bees knees...

Giving pros and cons is the best way to go. I mean, so many decisions we make in life come down to looking and pros and cons and making a decision based on them, why is it so hard for people to just get a quick summary and make a choice that works for them when it comes to games? Why does it need to be so cut and dry?

To be fair, lots of games do this. It’s why we get clones of games all the time. Lots of COD inspired Shooters, lots of LOL inspired mobas, lots of WoW inspired mmos. Lots of Dark Knight inspired “dark” and “gritty” movies. Marketing actually has a lot to do with appealing to what people have seen and is popular as it

See, thats what I was looking for. A quote around $500. Thats what I asked for, not for a quote for over $1000 for something MOST people dont drive. Sorry if I hurt your widdle feewings.

I asked for where I could find them for $500, and your reply is over $1000 and references a BMW you once drove....

$500? Where are you getting this price from? Seriously, Id love to know, because anywhere Ive checked for snow tires has quoted me at over $1000 for 4 of them. Is there some online retailer you’ve found or something that I should know about?

“all men are socialized to get whatever they want and go on killing sprees when they don’t.”

Oh Christ, another “engineer” here, thinking being an engineer makes him understand everything, because garsh we should just look up to those STEM guys making so much money, even though they are talking about a discipline they admit to know nothing about. But hey, they must know best, because “engineers”.

“Perhaps he

I find that, most often, the people calling others “yuppies” are actually very much yuppies themselves, and are so full of themselves they just cant possibly see that.

Its like the sad mid-thirties version of calling someone a “hipster”.

Calling other mid-thirties people yuppies isnt making you any younger, yuppie.