
Cuz being a heartthrob big budget summer movie star and dating a supermodelesque famous singer hasnt shoehorned people into a certain role or certain type and changes people perception of someone. Thats NEVER happened before. It must have something to do with racism or class, cuz Jezebel. This makes zero sense. Stop

Where the fuck did he insinuate racism in any way or dig at J-Lo? Anywhere? Didnt think so.

Nice try in stirring the pot, but nobody is saying anything of the sort right now so, sorry for the lack of outrage.

Because Nintendo is the voice you wanna listen to concerning shooting low on cost with a console and going casual after the WiiU... I mean, their success this gen is speaking volumes, right? Or not. The casual market burst long ago. We won’t see another Wii level success suck up casuals again.

Guy involved with mobile gaming talking up mobile gaming in ridiculous terms. No bias present whatsoever.

and your opinion of it not being a “monster” of a game is irrelevant to those satisfied with the 100+ hours theyve put into it. Get over it.

“The gameplay serves nothing”...

Explain this to me. Im pretty sure Ive been playing for 100 hours on nothing but gameplay, so Im not sure what youre going on about. In fact, there is a very obvious gameplay loop that is going on that keeps players playing even though there isnt much “content”.

So when you say its not

Alright. So Damon whitesplained something ONE TIME that we know of, and now were just going to assume thats just something he does all the time? Do we have any other evidence of him being racially bias other than this to assert he is a racially bias person and not just making a bad call ONE time?

If you see a white man and a black woman as equal in qualification, chances are the black woman is actually better, and you aren’t seeing it.

You do realize how ridiculous that sounds, right? Thats like saying the black person is better for the job because she is black, you are white, and therefore white people CANNOT

Is it really making a point about Matt Damon and what his social foibles are when you post a .gif that calls him a fag? “Yes, lets tear down Matt Damon for whitesplaining things and use a homophobic slur to do it!”

Level means a lot if you’re a person who likes to start some trouble with others in the open world. Someone with a mini gun, an auto sniper, a tank, etc can destroy other players.

Wait, a professional VOICE ACTOR with a long and respected track record is better at VOICE ACTING than a “professional actor” who is only famous because of Game of Thrones?

If there was a coach who authorized this, he should be jailed. Its assault. If its the kids who orchestrated it, Im not sure where I stand on the punishment given their age. Any thoughts?

Considering Kojima’s penchant for breaking the fourth wall, I almost wish they hadn’t bothered, instead having her just turn to the camera and say, “Fuck it, we wanted to sell more copies.”

Right? First world problems forever!!

Have we even taken into account just HOW MUCH shit they had to produce to satisfy every store that wanted this stuff? Have we even considered the sheer volume of stuff they had to produce? Any supply issues? This seems like a pretty shallow thinking article.

I wonder, just speaking in a realm of possibility sense, do you think that, because slave labor was free, there were white people who HAD to own slaves to stay competitive against the competition? You could have a farm run by only white people, but if a bunch of farms around you dont have to pay for labor, wouldnt

MGS2 was the first big budget game to break the fourth wall multiple times, comment on its own hype, use meta narrative, it’s the first post modern video game...

I was supplying my “credentials” for context, not to Pat myself on the back. People can take from it what they will. You choose to take it in a negative way, because you seem very negative.

I dont recall my comment saying it was the defining characteristic.... Just that many classics involve multiple components to their narrative...which is pretty vague... But can be specific from work to work. Which they do... So... I guess learn to read?