
And it’s not profound for the video game medium why, exactly?

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No, its not. Read into what Kojima was doing with the story and youll see it wasnt senseless camp for no reason.

Camp, when done right, is a legitimate and powerful literary device so yes, campy can also mean good story.

“If they keep making games that are good”

Thats ENTIRELY the point. They have beloved franchises, that people WANT TO BUY, and yet they seem intent on destroying them. Oh, but Im sure you dont like anything so much that if they drastically destroyed it for no reason, you wouldnt speak a peep.

So I guess any artist trying to create art based on what is going on around them makes it a “wankfest”? Jeeze, that eliminates a lot of brilliant, historically appreciated art. Maybe youre just dumb?

If you bought the game for gameplay, well then, what did you expect? Did you think MGS2 was going to be devoid of the drama and cutscenes that MGS1 had all of the sudden? His deception of who the main character was was brilliant, and makes perfect sense, for the reasons outlined in the video. Just because YOU dont

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Im seeing a lot of hate on here for MGS2, and really, youre all full of crap. EVERYTHING about that game makes sense, if you dig deeper than the surface all of you lazy people seem to stop at. MGS2 is a masterpiece of storytelling and referencial commentary. Im going to leave this here. Watch it if you will, if not,

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Im gonna leave this here. As holder of a masters degree in comparative lit, I can say that almost ALL great works of art, literature or otherwise, involve multiple components that make them classic. MGS2 is no different. This video does a great job of exploring that. If you choose to dig a little deeper, instead of

The lack of AA is really noticeable, but other than that yeah, it looks fantastic.

If I see anyone complaining about this, Ill officially be convinced that PC users are the most entitled people in the world. We have seen in the past year and a half, a multitude of games release on PC that arent optimized and run like garbage, that are released at the same time if not far too close to the console

Its like a company is trying to make itself look better by posting fake comments and profiles that exist purely to benefit itself and confuse/manipulate its users.

How long has this been happening!!! (sarcasm)

Rex had a lazer where his “dick would be”, to prevent the player from running underneath it or getting too close. It has a legitimate purpose so as to keep things at a distance. That lazer could cut through just about anything. The design has been the same since MGS1 and has a shaky but legitimate use. This is just a

What I dont get...and Im a huge Metal Gear fan...but what always bothered me about the series after 2 was that, in Metal Gear Solid, Rex was warfare perfected. It was the most advanced nuclear device/weapon in the world, and there was going to be a bidding war over its design if Liquid was to get hold of it (or so

And your point is?

This person is stupid if they looked at the biggest warehouse Amazon has - Amazon, the biggest online retailer IN THE WORLD - during the busiest two months of the year for shopping, and thought they wouldnt have to work overtime, and would be able to take vacation.

Moreover, this is a complaint that

“When an employee can’t recall specifics on the number of garden gloves in stock last week, *THEY’RE* criticized even more.”

Fixed that for you, since I felt SO excluded...

Snoopy didn’t “kill” the peanuts, Schultz did by changing direction in response to its popularity. It became cutesy and lazy, and really, what does that more than a cartoon dog and bird? It’s fairly easy to see that snoopy was the vehicle through which Schultz made the comic more popular and less edgy to appeal to

He may be an asshole, but you’re an even bigger one for suggesting he kill himself.

See, its easy for Deadspin to make his argument seem like he said Oregon is great BECAUSE of white people. Taking it out of context how they did, yeah thats easy. But he said the people there are mostly white. Because they are. There are a lot of white people in Oregon. Did he say “Oregon is great because of all the

“Actually, you made our jobs way easier, Sony. We didn’t even have to watch this turkey.”

Has anyone else tried to make a game so big? Would most devs able to even try even attempt to in the publisher run climate of todays game industry? It might contain similar elements and themes weve seen before, but a conglomeration of game this big has never been attempted. Youre just an idiot.