
They may not have much to show for it, but the question is, is how reasonable is it for people who have no idea what game development is like to demand something substantial to show from a game this large and this early into development? How reasonable is it to expect the dev team to not need more money on such a huge

Unrealistic as of now. Probably not unrealistic when they release the game tho...too early to tell but hey, get those shovels ready, its time to bury this game before it even releases.

Gotta love the mentality of gamers these days. You have reason to be skeptical, but that skepticism will have no bearing on you at all

Yeah that sucks, for Tim Schafer. Fans and reviewers liked the first episode of Broken Age, and the second one is due soon. They delivered on their promise, albeit with some bumps here and there, none of which really stopped fans from enjoying the actual game. So maybe try again with that example.

But...the simulation and game they promised pretty much invites feature creep. They want to set up the most ambitious game ever, and people backed over $100 million for that ambition. They basically said “take my money and go ahead and do what you wanna do to make that ambition a reality.”

That...doesnt make sense. Anyone who actually has been part of a dev team knows there needs to be an end game set up to work towards or else the game loses focus. There is always a road map. That road map can change, certainly, but suggesting that the dev team isnt going to know where to stop adding in new features,

I had a long reply that pretty much outlines why your thinking is damaging and stupid when looking at Chris Roberts track record, the state of the industry right now, and similar projects and their proposed budget and dev time. Needless to say your comment is petty and ignorant, or just plain flaming. You are around

Youre right man, why try and be ambitious and create something people want, something different? I mean, God knows $100 million is the most money EVER, and game budgets for much smaller games NEVER exceed that sum on a regular basis, and $100 million is assuredly “enough” money to make such an expansive, MMO game in

Your cynicism is rather annoying.

This game is so misogynist, where are the cries that they need to have realistic outfits and have agency in their character arcs?

Oh right, its Japanese, so its “fanservice” and “tongue in cheek” and “silly”

Apparently the excuse of “turn your brain off and enjoy” is only good for games the Kotaku writers deem ok to do

Which is...exactly the point? Maybe they should stop selling these things people pay money for, and telling stories about a character who you think is so stupid but keeps selling comics, just because you find him boring.

Oh Christ, here we go, another GROWN MAN dissecting a medium and characters thought up to entertain children with heroes in fantasy situations by throwing reality at it and saying “look how this doesnt make sense!”

No fuck it doesnt. Thats the whole point. Get privvy to the joke and take the stick out of your ass long

The agenda of Gawker is to run articles about their competition smearing them and trying to show them in disarray. They do it with Grantland, they do it with Reddit. Its really a commentary on the strength of their own content. The difference is, Grantland, ESPN, Reddit, they dont sponsor articles smearing Gawker and

I could see Metroid like this, if Samus was a character that was fun. But shes not. The characterization of Samus in the games is fucking weak and lazy. She needs to look realistic and hardass because thats all shes got. There is no lighthearted fun to be had. I can honestly say she would be a terrible main character

And your point being? So what youre saying is, is that Sony is really good at managing their image at the expense of Microsoft? Get outta town!

Listen kid, this is business, and regardless of what you think was owed to you, nothing is owed to you. It takes a pretty narrow perspective to not understand that paid online

You sir, are a tool

Well, to be fair, when people make these kind of conversions of old games in new engines, I think the thought behind the conversion in the first place is “look at how good this game would look with modern graphics!”. Modern graphics are great, but Nintendo is all style, and FC4 doesnt have much of the Zelda style, so


These demos are usually simple because they try and show off the physics on a ton of objects at once. Usually in game, only a few objects will take advantage of such physics, at which point the dev usually points you to them in some way to show them off. Its just impossible to put these physics on everything in a

You must be stupid. This is to show off the physics. Most people who work on physics engines, or anything from Nvidia, arent the best “artists”, while the people at Nintendo are. So, theoretically, they could make a game look beautiful like Nintendo does and have these physics as well. I know, difficult concept. Im

Yes you can, because Stadium lacked the content and appeal of Red and Blue, and never attempted to deliver on what people liked from those two games for some reason. Its just baffling how the road map of what to do was laid out for Nintendo and they missed the mark. Pokemon Stadium sucked, and all Nintendo had to do