
Im pretty sure by “proper” Pokemon games, he meant games like Red and Blue, and other similar titles, considering thats what most people grew up on, therefore it is the reference point. And no, they havent made a Pokemon game like Red and Blue with 3D console graphics yet. Everything on consoles is pretty much a cheap

This is the curse of Ubisoft and open world games in general. Same thing with Witcher 3. I understand people wanting content, but cmon. There is just SO MUCH in some of these games, and a lot of times its just filler. Witcher 3 isnt guilty of filler, I think the game is fantastic, and I want to finish it. There is

Thats assuming that a man who is “assertive” feels proud and emboldened by that fact, rather than being someone who is aware of how they speak, wish they didnt speak that way but they just kinda do because thats their personality, wish they could be a little more empathetic and kinda fight an internal battle with

I think what she “should” do to help further the improvement of women in the work place, she did. Shes was a fucking CEO at Google, one of if not the most high powered companies on the planet. Id say shes part of many trailblazing women who are working in jobs they wouldnt have DREAMED of holding 20 years ago. Sorry

“ But if it’s a dude, I get a sorry as often as I am given a free monthly supply of tampons (once).”

Im a guy. I apologize when I bump into someone. All of my guy friends do. All of my guy coworkers do this. Youre painting with a pretty broad, deceptive brush, which I thought Jezebel was totally against (thats


“My wife found a snake in the backyard the other day. It was a baby black rat snake, curled around the entrance to a utility shed. Just hanging out on the latch like a BAWSE. Like, “Try to open the shed now, BITCH.”

Didnt this site just run an article saying how bad of a writer Bill Simmons is, specifically for his

And just because you knew something he didn’t, doesn’t mean you need to drive it home so damn hard. He didn’t know, asked a question, shared his experience, learned what others described, shared his thoughts again, and fully understands as he said it’s come down to context. I guess he should probably not ask questions

Wait wait wait, lemme get this straight. We’re gonna sarcastically talk about Russell crowe because the author doesn’t like him, cuz he’s kinda “mean” and is known for throwing a phone at someone (SUCH VIOLENCE!) but we’re gonna get a kick out of the childish actions of a confirmed child molester without so much as a

It's a better update for the entirety of the game, the only problem being the character models, which you don't have to use. Cinematic mod provides the options of having far better environmental and lighting improvements than the Update mod without using their stupid new character designs. Maybe look that Lil detail

Or maybe this is another Hideo Kojima publicity stunt. If so, it's a pretty shitty thing to do.

can't really comment since I don't watch streams to know if girls are showing a bunch of skin, but if the point of your stream is to just get views based on being in a bra and underwear in front of a camera, there are OTHER websites you can work for. If these girls are just playing in tank tops and actually care

Haha, so they dont know anything about you. Who cares what they know about you? Is that a reason they shouldnt try and talk with you? "Hey, smile more man, its a beautiful day." I dont think the default response should be "fuck you" but rather, "I would but Im going through some shit"...who knows, maybe that person

Im a man. People tell me to smile on the street all the time. Sure, this was prefaced by "youre so pretty", so it was obviously a lame come on...but I cant imagine the people telling me to smile on the street are thinking "man this guy is SOOO pretty"..some people just see negativity in the world, and as happy people,

Ya man, all this AR stuff is the wave of the future!! Thats why were getting prerendered bullshot videos of it! Its so close, I can almost see some sort of early demonstration even close to this at a convention!! (sarcasm).

Everyone complaining about remasters can just shut up. You want exclusives, you can play them on PS4, and Xbone, and PC, and WiiU. Take your pick. If you arent getting enough "exclusives" on your PS4, then dont play it. Dont buy it. Go buy something else.

Early adopters are suckers.

"They openly admit"...

They openly spoke some PR lines to play nice and to seem humble to consumers. They know exactly how they did it. They might not have been "sure fire, were gonna stomp Xbox" reasons, but they were reasons nonetheless.

Or do you mean, they didnt release a console that was $100 cheaper, more

this is cool as hell, and I love DBZ but is the game worth a purchase? What's it like? How is the gameplay. Literally know nothing about it but now I'm interested.

Apparently youre not familiar with the scalability of gaming engines on PC, and that, even with mid to low range hardware, you can still enjoy a pretty good looking game. The "elite" that you speak of in your comment are, in fact, not elite at all. People with decent rigs can handle a lot of the best PC games, and a

Psh, you still living in 2008? There are less "console exclusive" games coming out than ever. Sorry but developers are waking up.