
The reactions to this are a little bit sensational given they are so quick to assume things about this case, and the Rep.,without much evidence other than hyperbole. I'm one of the first people to want to bury some GOP douche, but these comments and this article seem intent on demonizing this guy without much in

someone in Hollywood who seems nice enough on the outside is an egomaniac asshole?! Stop the presses!!!

If I may ask Patricia, when can I expect your equivalent article about Mario? Because its literally the same fucking thing.

Waaaah, shut the fuck up. Hes the mascot for an entire international brand, and the most recognizable Pokemon of them all. Millions of kids grew up watching Pikachu, and now millions of THEIR kids watch Pikachu. Its a bonding thing, something to be passed down. Sorry youre sick of him, maybe move beyond giving a fuck

Runs article saying how Anita Sarkeesian thinks games can treat women in games better, which includes not using them as "damsels in distress" for motivation and "sex objects"

Praises Wolfenstein's take on motivation for:

1. Having BJ wake up from a 15 year coma, watch his caretakers die, but only gives him the ability

"Who is the real idiot at E!?"

Stop. STOP, posting articles that are so obviously going to show a series of video related content as an extensive page of GIFs. I cant even follow the moves being shown in them because they go so fast. Post a fucking video you knobs.

I used to give a fuck about this, I really did, then I didn't and it's been fantastic. Seriously, just stop giving a shit and play your games. A good game can be a good game regardless of if the women are empowered or not, because a game is about gameplay, not this constant need to be PC to the point that u can't

Author with no involvement or experience in any sort of scientific research states she believes its social roles theory.

Scientist who has made it his career to do scientific research publishes study that basically disproves this theory based on a real world sample.

Author with no involvement or experience in any sort

"I'll just lay my cards on the table: Unsurprisingly, social roles theory makes more sense to me. The very idea of romantic masculinity, at least in the most generic sense that most of us see in popular culture and various normalizing institutions, is so strongly rooted in a man getting a woman to "give it up." A man

Dating sites are absolute shite. I dont know why youd expect to find anything less than half pathetic men on them looking for nothing but sex.

This just SOUNDS made up.

How about we keep instruction booklets digital, but have the ability to access them any time in game, rather than having to select an option from the main menu? It could play out like a typical tutorial does now, where text is shown as well as the action through a 3d character model and botton prompts (kinda like

Don't play the victim after you replied like a condescending douchebag to me when my comment was respectful and I only shared my opinion, and never attacked you fo having yours. People generally don't lash out when you don't give them reason to. And once again. Cunt.

Maybe I'm not an ever serious cunt like you. Ever think of that? Someone should probably take some time to explain how much of one you are. I said you aren't wrong, which means that I don't find PC to be a "sick burn" whatever that was supposed to mean lol.

Oh god, I didnt read the paragraph before reading and assumed that it was the 3-D model they were going to use in the movie. I was like, "3d models can

Im glad Im someone who can turn off their politically correct alarm to enjoy a piece of entertainment for what it is now and again. Youre not wrong, but I dont feel like we should always take the enjoyment out of a piece of entertainment because we dont necessarily agree with its politics or opinions.


While I agree we have had the same retread of spiderman many times before to the point it's getting tiresome, I don't think another origin story for PP will fail, simply because people will still see it because it's Marvels take. Then, once they have done a bunch of movies with PP and people grow tired, they can

"In August of 2012, on the first day of her sophomore year at Columbia, Emma Sulkowicz alleges that her friend, a fellow student named Paul Nungesser, held her down on his bed and violently raped her. After her assault, she's said, she decided not to pursue disciplinary action against him for the same reasons many