
This is why this conversation is stupid.

Quote from commenter:

"I don't know that I have ever, outside of the context of science and research, heard a man refer to other men as "males."

And I dont think I have ever, outside of the context of science and reasearch, heard a man refer to a woman as a "female".

But somehow, I

I fail to see how the rotating platformer idea was just a "small part" of Fez, considering its literally all you do in the game.

"hearing them claim the title seems like they're just taking over another aspect of women's lives."

Thats just your perception. Saying you want to keep men out of the feminist movement is asinine, when the feminist movment attempts to appeal to everyone, men included.

You want men to accept the feminist movement, yet

Thats a pretty big generalization there. I have met many men who identify as feminists who arent manipulative tools, so no, your experience and opinion arent gospel, so please dont state them with such certainty.

First off, I can imagine half the people commenting with their pitchforks out, have never had to work in a job dealing directly with customers, in the city.

There are people who beg, who dont dress like bums. I run into them all the time. There is a guy dressed much like Kamau that stands outside our store in the

It is a huge over reaction to:

A.) Boycott a business for the words and actions of one low-level employee in one specific incident.
B.) Assume that the attempted discussion afterward is only to save face.

But please, everyone, back to your pitchforks.


"offered to have a "public" chat about the incident, I assume to avoid being boycotted."

This opinion is exactly the problem, because it gives people ZERO incentive to actually have a dialogue about racism when pretentious, trendy cafe-going morons like this writer discourage it with their cynical response. Why even

So because some idiots on twitter and reddit have shitty opinions concerning women, its a "men" problem, no a jackass on reddit or twitter problem? Ok...

He does have a point. I mean, you cant imagine there being ANY backlash, whatsoever, about a move like that? I could. I mean, if were going to give cadence to the article above searching for the few, short reaching souls on the internet who are actually mad about this, and manufacture some "huge outrage" like this

Oh man, so a sexist remark like this is cool because its from a woman? How ironic. Keep that equality train rolling ladies!!

This is a shitty comment, no matter what context. GJ.

Meh, nobody really cares, nobody who really matters anyway.. and I havent heard a whisper of backlash against this decision, nobody who really matters anyway. It seems as though this is just a childish way to rub it into the faces of people who dont really give a shit. Gj Jezebel, you sure showed nobody in particular

Meh, the outrage over a word in this society is ridiculous. The guy was DEFENDING the need for more blacks (isnt "blacks" an outdated term too? Will there be outrage over MY comment? I hardly care) in the film industry in the UK. But somehow, a word makes us only see the forest for the trees in his statement.


"Who could blame you for letting out a little chortle for waking up to a swift handy? Self-administered handjobs are hilarious (as are all handjobs, in my opinion), and a perfectly valid response to a mate going to town enthusiastically enough to wake you up is good-natured laughter. Give it a try. Try saying this

Is he though? Despite people knowing his reputation, and your insistence that he is aware of it to, he continuously comes off as a pompous ass clown and he thinks far too highly of his own creations... Still.

Did you say he learned from it? Because the guy consistently does something he over promises on, it fails or receives poor reception, he comments on it afterward about how much he learned from the experience... And then he goes and over promises on another project. Rinse repeat over the course of a career. What

"I want the dude to get yelled at, I tell him.

See, that makes no sense. By making that comment you insinuate its an impressive feat. Which it is. So why do we need some misleading article headline before anyone has actually seen the video? Because when we see "guy walks on water", despite how impressive the act of walking on these planks is, it isnt walking on

Reality is kinda dull then I guess...

This...isnt walking on water. Its walking on planks sinking into water.

If it were walking on water....there would be no planks.

This is still really hard to do, but its not walking on water, as much as the headline grabs attention.

Dont be a smart-ass just because people are pointing out what it actually is. Did you