
So we're down to punishing the result now, and not the act? The fact they scored on the ground doesnt change the fact that

1. Rules state you shouldnt tamper with game balls in any way, or its cheating.
2. The Patriots tampered with game balls.
3. They cheated.

It doesnt matter HOW BADLY they cheated. They cheated. It

So tell me what that has to do with sports TODAY?

Youre, literally a special person...not in a good way.

So youre an idiot, and your point of view is "well at least we KNOW the NFL doesnt give a fuck about anything but profits, instead of the MLB who just KINDA cares"...?

Way to defend the morally bankrupt way in which we do literally everything in this country. Next time you complain about something being unjust, in any

We're not pointing the finger at the perp with any sort of judgement or introspection though, it's more like, "ohhhhh they went there!!!" Congrats, you've said nothing except it's cool for women to joke about raping a man, but the opposite is not true....

Hilarious. Can we finally admit, xbone fanboys, that MS is scared and HAS to drop their price to stay relevant? This just proves that the Xbox one, at its original price, was a terrible product. An Xbox one for $350? Much better option. Sony hasn't had to drop their price, and won't for a while. MS waving the

Nope. Your opinion. Go slob on Alan Moores knob like every other fanboy. Love his work but the person is an insufferable twat

Agreed. If people think the movie would have been better for an audience of millions with the ending from the movie, they're crazy as fuck. People would have walked out saying "worst movie ever" because they wouldn't understand the ending. They just don't have the time to make a movie to explain everything. You got

Ya, care to elaborate exactly HOW the directing was bad, oh great one? It was a good movie, with some cheesy acting. Saying because Moore said it couldn't be done means it can't be done is stupid. It was really good, and that's coming from a big fan of the comic. If you can't excuse some hammy acting in a comic

I,... Don't remember any character jumping 12ft in the air from the movie. In fact, it was pretty much a perfect one for one of the comic outside of the ending, and the film got the point across... I think YOU'RE one of those petty fanboys he was talking about.


Cue the douchey console crowd saying "PC master race what?!" while they enjoy the dumbed down version, and forget that they are taking part in the same behavior that they resent the PC master race for. "Man, PC is for loser neckbearders!!"... Like all gaming isn't equally as niche and nerdy regardless of platform,

Hunger Games would be considered just as bad as any of those movies had they not cashed in at the right time when pre-teens were losing their mind over the books. I can't really say the interest in elektra, catwoman, and Charlies angels (a series our parents grew up with) was there to warrant a movie. They were all

Holy shit that made me laugh out loud, and that never happens from a comment.

And as Ive pointed out, I missed that part. So ya, keep telling me about my mistake...

Ya, follow me around to another comment i made on another article cuz you think youre going to try and troll me everywhere I go. Thats not creepy or anything. Meanwhile, youre dumb as fuck. Continue on with your day.

can someone tell me how this isn't objectification, or creepy, or really any other negative word a woman would ascribe to a man looking at skimpy clothed pictures of a female celebrity on a beach? I'll be waiting.

This website is fucking moronic. Oh man, we've got us a woman bullfighter. Bullfighting is cruel as fuck and killing innocent animals would probably be filed under "things we don't like" here at Jezebel if a man was doing it, but we're going to post a hypothetical statement where "I might like Bullfighting if a

People need to just stop. Instances like this are always used to say "see, we don't need guns, look what this person did"... No that person was an idiot, and with the right training, may e they wouldn't be. With the proper regulation, the kind put on other things people do every day that kill people but nobody

it's just laughable that a female feminist can tell another female feminist "fuck your sexist, feminist excuses" in an argument about gun control on a feminist website. If you don't see the irony in that, cool.