
You make an opinion and post it online

SamBarge, the idiot nobody has to actually argue with because her point can and should never be taken seriously. You must really care about some issues and want change with the attitude you have. I mean, "fuck you if you don't agree" is literally the best way of representing yourself ever, if you want to be

That makes your back and forth with that other commentor even more ridiculous to me.

This is the day I thought I'd never see. They day an anti gun liberal male is bitching at a pro gun female because she used a feminist argument to defend her right to have a gun as protection against male intruders, calling her sexist, on a feminist website.

I dont like the idea of this term not being taken seriously as an insult. You basically call someone a boring sheep, for what? Liking stuff you perceive as "typical"? This is how other women evaluate each other? Whats worse, is that there is a group of women out there, actively declaring themselves more unique than

This article is pretty basic.

I think its funny, because since Jez made up that description, its not offensive at all. Its tinged with this "oh arent we just being so NASTY!! Tee Hee, this is SO the realness tho amirite!?!?"

Meanwhile if a man made up that description, hed be a generalizing asshat who knows NOTHING about women.


"America can consider itself #blessed that it has a word like "bro"— three letters that convey to most people a specific image about a specific regionally varietal type of young premarital, often preppy man characterized group socializing and over-imbibing. But the English language giveth, and the English language

Modern in an artistic sense and modern in a real world sense are two different things. One is for style, the other for utility.

There are differences between the things you stated and making something in Minecraft though. Painting something and popping down a few blocks that look like a building aren't the same at all. Same thing with the Assassin's Creed comparison. You still have to lay down each individual brush stroke in a painting,

Great work that I couldnt do at this point in my life. Now, for some honest words of critique.

Wayyyyyyy too much bloom. And the character couldnt be more cliche at this point. Girl with a bow? Again? Not to mention she looks like Ellie if she were older. And the logo is straight up a mash up of Uncharted and Tomb

The green coat and red under shirt are similar to the green coat and scarf. Ellie also has brown hair, and carries a bow. Its actually very similar despite the targeted age they were going for. The whole "girl with a bow" trope is getting kind of old, but Im not allowed to say that because its sexist, even though its

Ya man, UE4 is so hard to use. I mean, cmon, 7 people SHOULD be able to make this given the time they had considering how easy they have made UE4 for people who arent even good at programming to use. All of these people are artists. Thats where the nice visuals that make this look "almost" AAA come from. If you want

If you've been a professional, in any industry, youll know that the first year of experience at the actual job is much more valuable than anything learned in school, so no, your statement of nearly graduated students being the same as professionals is entirely wrong.

"The fact that this was impressive when compared to a AAA game"

This wasnt impressive compared to a AAA game, this looks downright bad compared to one if you look closely. What it looks impressive next to, is the stat sheet saying 7 people worked on it.

Ive never played an AC game, but to call what they accomplished in ACU "hideous" is downright wrong. They created an amazing world with a few bugs they promptly fixed like a month later. Considering its one of the most beautiful, busy, ambitious games on the market, I can give them some slack. But whatever.

That comic and my comment are not equivalent. Once again, saying you need to lose weight, is not the same as "something makes me feel"..."You need to" suggests an absolute about the other person. "Something makes me" suggests something about myself that makes me think that way, not about them. And then by admitting

That comic and my comment are not equivalent. Once again, saying you need to lose weight, is not the same as

I feel that my opinion is just that, mine, and by voicing it I'm exercising my right to do so. Nobody has to take it seriously, as it is mine, and not theirs. Ive qualified it enough as "I'm dumb for having this opinion" that if anyone takes it seriously, that's their own problem. I doubt Shane went home and

I feel that my opinion is just that, mine, and by voicing it I'm exercising my right to do so. Nobody has to take

I realize they need to fill content, and this is fantasy, its "drama" but I honestly just turn this kind of talk off while Im playing a game. Its so damn annoying to hear someone babbling on about fuck all when youre walking through the woods just because a character is "poetic".

Im assuming this was supposed to sound clever...it didnt...