
Typically when you meet a guy at a bar, youve talked to them for 5 minutes total, and then you go home with them, you arent going home to watch some Netflix.

Well, now, lets get this clear. Being accused of rape isnt some minor offense. Winston will have to deal with being labeled a rapist for the rest of his life. Public malice is pretty bad. Do you live in the country we live in these days? There is very little keeping the average person from voicing their opinion to a

Go figure Kotaku would play it safe (gutless?) and pick "it depends") rather than pick a real winner, like the title would suggest.

I'm so mad you hide your fat shit, sad fucking face behind a shadow in your picture. It would only add to ur sad persona. It would help people understand better how someone could be so outraged about literally nothing that they could write a blog post about it telling others to hate it, using fuck 50 times to be

Too bad you're about 6 months too late to your own sites hate train with this article Albert. Jezebel.com ran their own article about this month's ago.


Ah, another brainwashed, capitalist American thinking that money should be the only deciding factor in the decisions we make as a society, and that something as meaningless as ethics and integrity are inconveniences that get in the way of that dollar waving in our faces.

I didn't say anything about your point or your opinion, or anything. I was being snarky about your comment. On the Internet. You can either choose to take it how it is, or be so troubled by it. You already acknowledged that the people that focus on such things are "dickheads", so by that opinion, you should ignore

The gravity must be pretty weak on the planet that you live on to make such a jump from criticizing the construction of a sentence on the Internet, to the last rant you made.

Ha, "I'm an English major" means nothing. So are a lot of people. Especially on the Internet when defending their inability to communicate in an adult way. I can't really be held at fault for how I perceive what is written when I'm not responsible for it. You are, however. Act accordingly. You are judged in nearly

This line usually comes from idiots. Policing spelling online is pretty douchey, asking that someone be able to speak like they aren't a 13 year old girl? Not so much. Especially in a format that isn't twitter, where full sentences are possible.

I think thats a problem for you to solve there Luke.

Or, if you see a work of art you like, idk, you have fingers. Google is your tool. Find out who does the concept art for them!!

The problem is, there are many childish young women who WILL kick you in the nuts for much less than physical harm towards them, because "men don't know what pain is we make babies, they're pussies about it, can't hurt that bad".

Ha but like, the amount of like, like, you used.... I totally like, not skeezy at all.

After reading the comments here, I have to say, it seems as though 70% of you have nearly been raped.

Great for whom exactly? People who like the cold weather? No thanks.

And I doubt people who identify themselves as such criticizing her will make her want to take on the label any more than she does now. ...

I think she meant shes not a feminist, but for equality of all races, genders, walks of life, etc. Feminism just addresses equality between the sexes, not everything in this world that remains unequal which she is concerned with.

Either that, or she doesnt wanna be called that. Im sure she has her reasons.

But please,

A little solidarity ladies, please....