
WERE cranky? Sounds like we're "back when"...sheesh

"Call of Duty's PC versions have rarely been the best examples of what the platform can do. "

Except all of the titles up through Modern Warfare...

Why do people seem to think that because COD is a console shooter now, that where its roots are? They arent. It was a PC shooter first, and a damn good one. The mega

So depicting women in stereotypical roles in games is bad, but when Nintendo does it with their depictions of hispanics its cool? Those stereotypical and racist sprites might be from a classic game, but theyre still fucked up.

Stop being such a judgemental douche

And youd be the exact same way if anyone was willing to pay your dumb ass millions of dollars for anything. But please, dont live in the real world, live in your fantasy world where ideals still matter.

Um, actually, his was also a joke. Learn to read the fuck up.

The outrage comes from the fact that this site is trying to ignore the other aspects of the story (such as what you find a serious issue) to make it seem one dimensional when its not. Read into it more instead of lazily accepting the opinions of a website who might have a vested interest in ignoring some details.

So she uses manipulative tactics to get her sister in bed with her in other instances, but were just going to assume she didnt use those same manipulation techniques when trying to get her in bed while she masturbates. She said she wanted to feel needed, which is in fact, a need for some sort of power over another

See, thats the problem. Many are just dismissing the outrage based on those who would criticize her for being less than a super model and wanting to get naked. That has nothing to do with MY opinion of the matter, and I bet there are plenty of us out there like me who are outraged because of this book and her

Society has the right to criticise art, but the artists, and fans of said art, dont have to listen to it, because many times what has been analyzed from a work of art is entirely different from what the artist intended in the first place, and is only put together by those looking to build an argument to further

"In a U.S. context, at least, if you show a white guy hanging from a tree, it's going to inherently have different context from a black guy hanging from a tree, simply because of social and historical resonance. This doesn't mean that anyone thinks hanging white guys is awesome; it simply means that there's social

"There are a number of games where the male protagonist's wife/girlfriend is turned evil/mind-controlled/whatever and he has to either beat her up to "return her to her senses" or put her out of her misery.

Ask me what's a female video game character, and I can reply with Lara Croft. Lilith. Maya. April. Zoey. Samus. And of course, Cate Archer. A.K.A. not victims.

"There's nothing wrong with "men liking certain things", except...

I find it funny you use this "frequency" argument, and then go on and dismiss the larger context. BOTH of those things ALWAYS matter.

For instance, a game that is misogynistic for five minutes, in a game that otherwise says nothing negative for 20 hours, isnt a misogynistic game. There was a context for that misogyny.

"Except a number of people disagree that they ARE "doing just fine". It's also funny that this argument only ever gets brought up in the context of social issues; you don't see people arguing about "taking away choice" when people complain about QTEs, or unskippable cutscenes, or DRM, or pretty much anything else to

"Just because you don't view something as "sexy" does not mean it isn't sexualized."

Actually, that might be entirely what it means. Hear me out on this.

I dont find things such as the example he used as being "sexual" in games, even though it MIGHT be there for that purpose. In fact, I would like to know the number of

Turning off comments for her videos is entirely silencing her critics. For those visiting her page for the first time, all they see is her argument. Thats it. There is no place for them to disagree with her directly, so that other people viewing the same video can then scroll down and see differing opinions.

That Watch Dogs example is bogus. Im sorry, but you have to be fairly immature to sit there and enjoy watching digital tits. Please dont insult those of us who actually walked into the scene of that mission and saw that stage full of naked women, understood why it was there (its a stripper stage where they show off

Oh Anita Sarkeesian. I am sad. Because thanks to all the stupid children who had to harass you, youre being viewed as an "academic", even though your "educated" opinion that you express in your videos is akin to that of a Feminism 101 class taken at a community college. Really, its low level stuff, and you should