
Actually, by showing only the 5 seconds in a game where misogyny takes place, out of the countless, countless hours that go by in most games, to a public like Colberts viewership who dont necessarily play games very much, it does come across that way. For them, all they have seen of the game is the sexist part, which

This review puzzles me, simply because it says it doesn't stand up because it tries to fit every horror cliche into a game. That's funny, because the Last of Us does that the whole way through. I still enjoyed it because I didn't watch the walking dead and don't really consume a ton of horror movies or games. If

Ooh ooh, can we now do an article saying how sexist this art is and how unnecessarily scantily clad she is, and how a real woman could never make the poses that Bayonetta is doing, like we do with American comics?

Wher exactly in that comment did he call her a slut or shame her?

What I find funny is that kotaku is all about covering this story. Those who call for ethics in gaming journalism are mostly focusing on the indie scene. That's fine with kotaku. The indie scene is what they want the conversation to be about. Because as you said, people who want ethics in journalism should really be

It will really hurt to see your character with those new character models on those days you decide to be someone else and play the game with your other self. What kind of dumb comment is that.

Ah christ, another one of those idiots who makes a comment without thinking of context. Lemme put it nicely. The game came out in 2004, which means when it began to be developed they probably had in mind hardware specs for rigs 2 years older than that. We are talking about a game designed to run on computers from

Apparently you cant ditch the stupid clay idea for something that actually makes sense AND make her a strong, independent female character, according to some people. Nope, she is entirely defined by how she was born. So dumb.

Organizations and people have their right to have their own opinion and express it, (no matter how shitty), the issue is that in order to function as someone or something under the guise of education, you have to actually seem educated on the world around you for said opinion to matter. It would be fine if students

I think as men we are all either A. Struggling to understand the female experience, or B. Refusing to try and writing it off.

I hope that one day I will understand what their experience is like, but I am still so young and naive about the world, and my limited experiences can only explain so much, or so little, of the

This is so stupid....

They agreed upon the pranks. If you agree, you accept the consequences. If its mean, too bad, you agreed. You did something equally shitty before to warrant and equally shitty response. If you dont want a shitty prank to happen to you, be done with the pranks and say something. I really dont see what the issue is

Ah, it appears we have a judge in the house! These guys are douchebags because you know them personally, right? No? Oh, then shut up.

Ah but were at Jezebel, so even if we acknowledge in the article that the woman is an equally big asshole, we must make sure that the title smears only the man, because Jezebel.

I mean, it seems like a pretty valid theory, considering that women dont feel threatened by EVERY man they meet, and by that detail, can inherently decide who is a threat and who isnt fairly well. There are some who will seem trustworthy and who arent, but really, thats not just a rapist thing. People can seem genuine

No one is scared of me? Are you me? Have you ever been me, walking down a street at night, behind a girl whom you dont know, walking to your car, when this girl turns around, looks you over, judges you based on nothing more than a quick glance, and you cant help but notice her feet start to move a little faster? How

And this happens ALL the time right? Nope. Isolated incident. Nice try though.

I'm not insinuating that these women shouldn't feel threatened. What I take issue with is this blanket generalization about men that is turning our gender into something to be feared. Generally women have a pretty good idea of who is a threat and who isn't. They can make the distinction and decide that random dude 1

I doubt they receive it enough to consider that all men are a threat and should be treated as such, yes. Unless literally the majority of men have done that to them this #notallmen bullshit still stands as true. Not all men are rapists and (big surprise) we kind of feel insulted when treated as such for an honest

Youre right, all men think women are bitches for turning them down, and would probably just rather rape them, or murder them, than take that kind of nonsense from a WOMAN! Those inferior beings they are...