
Uh, yes? I don't quite understand the point you're trying to make by asking that...

This does happen. Its not an excuse for rape, but this does happen, and most times men just want a straight up answer. If you think that all men are just going to assume a woman is a bitch because she gave an honest "no", youd be sadly mistaken.

Here come the unfair generalizations about "men" by all these armchair feminists. Cant wait. This guy was a piece of trash. Doesnt mean that all "men" consider rape or murder after being turned down. Get a grip.

People think that defending "men" as a group being labeled, because of the action of a few and the

Buncha Romos commenting on this article. Damn Romosexuals...

All these people getting all defensive that Jason brings up that tech specs and issues for games as being important. They are to some people, maybe not you, maybe you can look passed them, but many can't and it really messes with their enjoyment of some games. If it doesn't matter to you, then good for you, but

this article seems usually bitter and childish. The author does seem a bit but hurt. Who the fuck cares what the mayor or some city you think sucks said? Only a moron let's something like this get to them enough to rant about it. Congrats idiot, the mayor won.

I think you DID make that calculation in buying that beefy PC. Just because you didnt buy your beefy PC specifically for Mordor, you were buying it to play games coming out after you bought the PC to run them at their most pretty. Mordor is but one in a collection of games you can now do that with.

"What. A. Letdown."

What the fuck did you expect exactly? A burger and bun shaped like the bat symbol? Its a fucking burger.

Funny you'd call me bitter when your original post is about as bitter as they come. You sarcastically point out how the article is for, for lack of a better word, noobs, and go on to say the article shouldn't insinuate this can teach you how to code, when he never said that. He said it can be a good learning tool

If you take the time to get involved with a YouTube "celebrity" you are a loser. If you trust a complete stranger enough to go see them, all because you think YouTube is an accurate representation of that person and not an idealized and/or fake persona, you're also an idiot. If you think a person you never met in

actually, there are many ways that people learn. Some learn best through memorization. Just get off your high horse and stop trying to tell people the "right" way to do things because it's subjective and person to person. Some might use this as a beginners guide for a few examples. Once they are required to do more

God forbid someone would use this as a learning tool....god youre cynical. I guess you never looked at examples in a book and then remembered it later? You know, kinda how learning works...nah, not you, coding Jesus. You probably just figured it out all by yourself. Not like a program like this could be used in

Realized it so much that you should pay for something that actually works while they pack in a controller thats absolutely garbage?

Agreed. Apple seems to be riding on the coattails of the products they announced years ago that were truly revolutionary. It seemed as though apple made strides with every new iteration when Jobs was at the helm, not just in the phone department but everywhere else. At least they made it seem like there was a reason

The real question is, how much do I care if Im a hypocrite? The answer is, less than I care about fantasy football. Y

ou can recognize fucked up things happening around you and still enjoy parts of it. For instance, I may hate United States politics and foreign policy, and realize we contribute a Hell of a lot to

I still always make a point to keep old computer parts and peripherals just in case a friend needs hand me downs or I find a use for them somewhere. Doing this I had a friend who didn't have a gaming computer but loved to play computer games with me. He started going to a local Internet Cafe and I joined him, but

so that's a total of two emotions Microsoft every shows, whining and self sstisfsction

this comment literally makes no sense logically

I think YOU have selective memory because I literally never saw ANY of the shit ur taking about last gen, I barely ever saw a PS3 ad for anything besides an exclusive.

who gives a fuck? It still all the same, shoving a logo in your face for associations sake. Stop. Just stop. This is petty and you know it.