
Stop lying. This never happened with Ubisoft. I never saw a single AC ad that was exclusively Playstation, it was almost always Xbox and PS.

Ha! This is funny. Like MS hasn't earned it's reputation at this point. Managing an image is part of owning a business and Sony is obviously doing it better, so who's fault is it that people have such hate for Microsoft besides Microsoft? Or are you really that much of an ms apologist to suggest everyone is stupid?

new day and age my friend. This kind of news wasn't commonly available to people minutes after it was reported like it is now.

It's funny because the PS4 is going to offer that exact thing in the future

Ah, all the exclusive content in the world is fantastic when it's happening for MS, allowing them to sell more copies of games and DLC at the expense of the competition. Now that Sony has market lead in the next gen, and Activision is offering up exclusive anything to Sony, MS has to cry like children. Maybe this is

Gee, I wish my art teacher in high school would have told me I could get my pictures posted on a well known site if I just learned one pose, one style, one face, and one body type, and drew it over and over for different things. The actual drawings are nice, but his skill level with perspective and creativity are

I don't think "to be fair" is appropriate in this situation.

Please, stop posting this guy's work. He does the same thing every time, both in art and ideas. It's fucking lame. This one trick pony has had enough exposure. I'm sure there is art out there that actually does something interesting we'd all like to see. I mean, look at the comments, mine is echoed many times over

Im gonna create a tinder account just to call this dude a fuckass every day

"Also, fuck Ron Jaworski forever. His voice gives me hives."

I think I love you, so what am I so afraid of....

Deadspin is continually cited on ESPN and my local sports station, not to mention the radio. Maybe them more than Gawker. But for a site that wants to be taken seriously when it demands it, and would tell critics to "fuck off its not serious" when they run some fluff piece that flies in the face of the shit they stand

I acknowledge the power imbalance. What I dont acknowledge is the level of outrage over some family making a youtube video. Seriously, there are things out there that perpetuate the power imbalance a billion times more than some family and their video, but people are HELL BENT on really giving a damn about this. Go

I think a lot of people are willfully missing the point because they just simply DONT CARE enough to reach that far up their own ass for something to be outraged about.

Both are exclusionary generalizations made about one group based on a condition determined entirely by the color of ones skin and not ones own ability. Black people cant swim. White people cant rap. Who cares what culture its from, its an activity, and people, if they enjoy it, can take part in whatever they want if

Ah but Jezebel and the entirety of Gawker media has an agenda to be taken more seriously than that, and often takes on articles of "importance". Its as if they want to be called a blog so that when they make stupid posts such as this they can go "oh well, we ARE a blog, you know?" and have an excuse for being petty

Ah another petty deadspin article. Are all of these articles going to be "most petty reasons your team sucks"?

Eli being a Manning has nothing to do with it. It did when he was drafted, but hes won two Superbowls with the same team in a short span. Thats why he is still with the team. 27 ints in a bad year isnt proof

Whatever. You support an article that basically suggests that this family shouldnt be doing this because theyre "trying too hard to be famous, which they shouldnt be doing anyhow because they are a well off white family" and its a bogus opinion.

About as bad as white people are rappers. See how much of an ignorant, blanket generalization that is? But somehow one is funny and the other is "baseless and wrong".

And there it goes, right over your head.

"Lol black people suck at swimming and shouldn't do it they look so dumb!!"