
great rebuttal, I can see you went to the University of the Internet.

Because "lame" things are an entirely white occurrence and you should feel bad about it....? Gj bigot.

For, a video? Damn Hitler.

"White people suck at rap and shouldnt do it" is pretty bigoted, and tantamount to someone saying "Black people suck at ____ and shouldnt do it". I find it funny that internet liberals are so quick to jump on the "white is bad" bandwagon they dont realize that half of what is said is quasi-racist, bigoted garbage

Cuz nobody else on YouTube tries to be famous by putting a video on YouTube...

And Im sorry, but if my Dad told me to come down the stairs like that with my siblings for every Christmas morning until I was 25, at some point I'd say, "Dad, this is fucking lame, Im an adult and Im hung over. Leave me alone"...But I guess

Jezebel, the home of "i dont like it so it must be lame" cynicism. I dont like it either, but damn you guys are good at putting down the judgement. What does the argument "theyre trying hard" actually even mean? Arent MOST people who put up a video on youtube TRYING to get views? Dont A LOT of people who make youtube

I too have done this.

"Whether brutalizing women in video games is *compulsory* or not, isn't the point. The fact that it's even there as an option in the first place is the point. Consider for a moment what you yourself said to rationalize it: the consequences for murdering women in games are essentially a *points penalty.* It's easy to

Don't. Please don't try and make a game like this. Making a game that tries to be this "appeal to all demographics" love fest would be terrible, simply because you'd be looking to include everyone when in reality, not everyone is represented. Tell the story you want to tell, and make it good, but don't try and

"A source says Kanye West wants to do a comedy movie à la Anchorman. I hope this is true. [OK]"

You and no one else.

Not to be a jerk, but:

"A federal judge has just shut down parts of the HB2 devious and restrictive law that would have led to the closure of more than half of Texas' remaining clinics"

I dont think anyone gets the impression they are suggesting the rams were supposed to keep him, youre just getting that impression because you want something to ramble on about half angrily. He is an interesting news story and the first openly gay drafted football player. Those other 400 people? Not so much. Its

I both understand this move and hate it. People in Japan will obviously buy the hell out of this like they do with every Nintendo handheld, but I think the rest of the world will be quite annoyed at having to buy another handheld for a tad more power to play some exclusive games, since the 3DS isn't really old, nor

A lot of her points are valid, but she doesn't really give any solutions or ideas of what people could actually do better, only we should "do better". Like the Papo and Yo example, if we made a game focused entirely about a woman being a victim of domestic violence and rape, how would we make people actually play

Ah, shaming someone for their sexual desires and opinion of what they find attractive, as if they can help what their mind and body finds "sexy". Fuck off douche. We're talking about porn here, if you watch it, it's pretty much ridiculous to try and take the moral high ground on ANY THING involving it outside of

the guy is from an area affected by the 2011 disaster and likely is seeing many farmers who he may have personally known going through a tougher time because of the stigma towards their "contaminated" produce and would like for them to get positive press. That's what I hate about Twitter, even someone's personal

would it be so hard to make a Pokémon MOBA or smash Bros style game? I really don't like traditional fighters and feel like a MOBA with its limited move sets and items could be a great fit for Pokémon considering each Pokémon only knows a few moves. Instead of a "fountain" or "base" Where you buy items, it could be a

welcome sir, and good luck to you.

It's as if people don't see girls in their 20s dressed in shorts that short all the time. I hope you walk up to them on the street and tell them how much of a slut they are too on top of all this complaining over an animated character.

Yes but one is described as the perfect dick, and mine just doesn't look "perfect" and it creates an unrealistic body image for me and makes me feel bad about my own body.