
So since you're taking part in it, it's not an issue of if actually doing it is right or wrong, because by participating you agree that it's OK to do.. You're admitting it's not about the issue but about wanting to do it much as men do?

Well when Jezebel.com regularly posts articles that shame men who objectify women.....

Doesn't it kind of defeat the purpose of trying to make women less objectified by men to then take part in that behavior? By doing it are you not consenting the behavior "ok" by nature of your participation in it? How can you ask others to not do what you yourself do based on moral grounds?

You won the hypocrite of the day and most unprofessional "journalist" award on the same day! Congratulations.

But to be champions of standing up and pointing out that a certain behavior is wrong, enough to make it your job and go out daily looking for examples of said behavior so that you can make others aware of the behavior and it's negative effects, and then to go out and actively participate in said behavior, is fairly

Hope to be one myself here soon :)

So whatever console is selling best you associate with lower class since everyone had it? That's a pretty stupid opinion based around not much logic.

So many baseless generalizations

Your assertion is pretty baseless and built upon opinions and assumptions so, please, try again.

So lemme get this straight, we get a new COD trailer and from it, we can discern it plays as solidly as the other CODs have, and the hype machine gets pumping. But when we get a new Witcher trailer, we cant "discern much about how The Witcher 3 plays, or whether it will feel as grand as it looks, or whether the combat

Gods be Praised! (I'd have posted the gif if not for Gawkers inability to manage itself).

And you know SE had nothing to do with the deal HOW exactly, Mr. Insider?

So if Sony can get sued for a game being advertised as 1080p and then it turning out the game is 900p upscaled to 1080p, can MS and Crystal Dynamics be sued for lying at a huge event such a Gamescom for saying, in their own words, "only to Xbox" and "exclusive to Xbox" and not mentioning "timed exclusive"?

I mean, its

...good one?...

Do u see much more coming this year to the Xbone besides what, another Forza in the same year as the last one, and old Halos again? There is just as much coming out for PS this year and next as Xbone...

Why? Because of Sonys reputation from last gen, and the games that are upcoming for 2015 as you pointed out. Anyone who buys a console in the first year and complains about not having anything to play is stupid. This is how it works in the first year. Now, we have even more multiplats, so the differences between the

Meanwhile Sony is still offering users the ability to put in whatever hard drive they want....

No youre right, it looks very generic.

Aaaaaand it looks nothing like the announcement trailer, both in gameplay and graphics. Whoda thunk it?

I dont so much have a problem with the outfits, I have a problem with them referring to themselves as "Bad Balmain Bitche$". Its kinda like when African Americans call themselves "nigga" and white people are confused. Arent both a negative term coined by oppressors on the oppressed? Why are we taking these words and