
Good for the girl, but no need to poke fun at the boys who are frustrated they keep striking out. Its not a boy thing exclusively (though Im sure, as a young boy, and having a lack of maturity, losing to a girl "sucks" for them) but a sports thing. Its kinda childish to include "and pimple-faced boys", taking a jab at

There goes all the fucks I give....

You seriously must be retarded or cant read at all.

1. You definitely did misspell certainty, and your pathetic ass went back and edited your post to make it seem like you didn't. Too bad you didn't go back and edit "for certainty" out, because that's not a proper sentence. "With certainty" is what you're looking for.

I think I love you...

This isnt up to opinion based on say, a theology, belief, ideal, etc...this is an opinion based on events that actually happened. People watch a video, Tony Stewart passes the guy, and he either speeds up or doesnt. Its a simple as that. Its pretty hard to construe anything based on those events. They may have some

Did you even read the original article on this matter? Or are you really commenting on a few sentences? From the first article:

"Tyler Graves, a sprint-car racer and friend of Ward's, told Sporting News in a phone interview that he was sitting in the Turn 1 grandstands and saw everything that happened.

"for absolute certinty"

certinty isnt a thing, certainty is...and thats not even a proper sentence so...

Considering when the car BEFORE Stewart also looks to speed up near the driver, and makes the same noise at the same time it moves...yes? Jesus, you people are looking for ANY excuse to excuse Stewart, when it is

How is it not effective? Not only did I cite people AT THE ACTUAL RACE saying he sped up, but when commenting on the VIDEO, I think the majority of people having the same perception of a few seconds in time is...very much support for my opinion.

"Tyler Graves, a sprint-car racer and friend of Ward's, told Sporting News in a phone interview that he was sitting in the Turn 1 grandstands and saw everything that happened.

I guess that means most of the people who watched the video and left comments all over youtube, ESPN, this site, etc, writers of pieces on the matter, and first hand accounts of people at the track...yep, we ALL have mental problems.

You can see his car move forward much faster than he was going when he is approaching the kid, and you can hear the engine sound as well. Id say its a pretty clear indication he sped up, and there are also multiple reports from people on the track saying he did. I dont know his intentions in speeding up however.

The video certainly shows Stewart gun the throttle. Idk how anyone can prove Stewart meant to hit the guy, or if he was just trying to say "fuck you" to the kid by gunning it past him and he accidentally struck him. Either way, I find it very stupid that the kid got out of the car. Other drivers may have missed him,

You guys are all such dicks for pointing out the obvious, lazy, cliche flaws this game has! People, games are a work of art! If you have problems with art, you are an asshole!

*crosses fingers morons know hes trolling, posts that he is because he knows the internet is retarded*

Youre right, nobody should voice their opinions about things they easily find stupid mistakes in.

I'm not sure at what point people started to think that having a differing opinion was somehow proof that the majority isn't right. For instance, the people who disagree that the name Redskins is offensive are entitled to their opinion, but it doesn't change that they are wrong. They really have no ground to stand

Obviously I was talking about comments

Yeah you lost. We all agreed on it already.

Its not just Kotaku. The whole of Gawker, and "news" sites in general, is just copy and paste journalism.

To all those saying that the only people applauding this guy are those who dont have kids, or hate kids, youre wrong.

After explaining the story to my mother, and asking her opinion of if its wrong to spite the child:

"fuck em"

See, your straw man argument burns before me.

Whoa whoa there. You've been posting quite a bit, and your comments are all of the hostile variety. Now, lets take a step back to a place BEFORE you did all that jumping to conclusions about what I said, before you unjustifiably declaired me "smugly superior" for asking a simple, innocent question based upon your