
While youre busy praising this game for not taking zombie killing so seriously, Im sitting here wondering exacly why we need another game? Why, when developers could do literally ANYTHING with their games, do they decide to make ANOTHER zombie game? As if there arent enough of them already. Zombie games blow. They are

The flopping in soccer is a "game breaking bug" for me. Ill never boot that game up, because no matter if EA and FIFA wanna release yearly "updates" to their game, they have yet to fix this technical hiccup. Its fine when its in other sports, because it happens pretty infrequently, but it becomes more than tiring when

Maybe, just maybe, Crytek should have focused on making games that were fun, appealing, unique, and would sell well, instead of spending way too much money to make their games beautiful and expecting a dull, nanosuited protagonist to sell their horribly written, cliche, and overly dramatic plots built on pretty

TL;DR. I suppose you forgot one of the first rules of journalism: make your article accessible and easy to read. Jumping from random tweet to random paragraph without any sort of headline or context to what youre going to be reading...who the hell taught you how to write?

So true. The only sure DRM method is always online. Two weeks after release or earlier there are cracked copies online of most games. Shit, the people who STOLE Watch Dogs had an easier time playing the game than the people who actually BOUGHT it. Unless you know about pirating games you shouldn't speak of the

your example of a house burning down is pretty retarded. Yes of course it's the fault of the idiots who left the fucking stove on.

WAAAAH! It's so responsible to make an article about how hard it is to play PC games with DRM on a website that thousands of people read. I mean, lest we forget to mention that MOST gamers probably aren't going to have these same problems, or if they do, have as much trouble fixing them. What is a "hassle" for Kirk

So half of this list isnt "future" anything. Far Cry 4 is going to be more Far Cry 3. Advanced Warfare is gonna be just another COD game. And the worst sin on a "future shooter" list has to be having a collection of old Halo games. Gimme a break.

That link is easily the best thing ive seen all day, if not all year.

Please keep in mind that flash sales and community votes are good to keep an eye on, more than daily deals. Daily deals are up ALL DAY so you shouldnt miss them, but make sure to check up for flash sales. Thing is though, that when a game goes on sale, it usually stays on sale through the duration of the sale, and

"John was kidnapped as a child and trained all his life to be what he is. He has no close relationships left with all the other Spartans dead so she is the only significant relationship he has left. "

Gee, sounds like a complex, compelling, and emotionally involved subject to go into in one of the games. He was taken

"The chief has been through so much crap, it would have broken 99.99999% of other human beings minds, leaving them gibbering wrecks. What was done to him from the age of 5 upwards left him emotionally wrecked."

And yet they never talk about this, and Chief never talks about his emotions or what he has been through, or

"If Chief had more "personality", it would ruin his character, he's the bad ass, strong, silent type who speaks with a gun. Normally that wouldn't be a good character trait, but considering he's always in the most heated place in the battle, it's completely understandable. "

No. Just no. This type of character has

God, and people complain about how much Western games are "bro-fests"...This looks so lame.

Failing....to stay relevant to anyone outside of the small group of Nintendo fans who already purchased the system, which is a small segment of the market.

Or you could have just, you know, got up and done something else? Not like you were subjected to sitting there, you do it on your own. Nobody is forcing people to watch these Twitch streams, they are entirely optional and serve those who seek out this kind of thing.

Exactly! And thats really all that matters, and the crux of their decision in the first place. Nintendo is so much better than MS and Sony, who only do things that can benefit them financially, right? Oh wait...

Right, remove the option for all, and keep the streaming options that have the most probability of seeing a huge audience, like a Smash tourney, so they can get free advertising for their games. Fuck the random person who wants to stream, we only stream when it can help us line our pockets.

"They're actually great supporters of Twitch and praised some of the community's videos like what was done with Mega 64 and their own Twitch Smash Invitational. They're not against creative content, they're just against generic content."

I.E. They are into large events or well known series/streamers that serve as

So rather than letting people look for those who they can learn from, and deciding who is a "Joe Blow" type and ignoring them, they just dont give you the option at all? Thats fucking dumb. There are plenty of people who go on Twitch and search and follow people they know they can watch and learn from, and who DONT