
""So for us, what we're doing at the Nokia theater with the Smash Invitational, we loved that streamed because that's where you are able to see how these players perform, the moves they make, you can learn something," he said. "That has value to us. And you can expect us to do more of that type of activity,

Seems kind of moronic to tell a bunch of people on a videogame blog they are losers for indulging in videogame related activity. Sorry you find such a thing pathetic, but thats just your opinion. Calling people "pathetic" based on watching video games is rather dismissive of the kind of people they are and the lives

More like "our system is too underpowered to support the ability to twitch stream". I love how Nintendo fanboys will eat this excuse up and convince themselves it's true just because Nintendo says it is. How nintendo fans get on Sony and MS being so corporate and doing nothing for gamers, but theyll let nintendo speak

So many butthurt fanboys out there. Get over it already people. Did Sony NOT make the camera an option at launch? Is Microsoft NOT having to answer for doing the exact opposite? Is Sony taking credit for a decision they made that worked out THAT much of a deal that simply mentioning they had a different plan than the

Ah, right, because an issue isnt an issue if you dont spend money on it in some form....great argument. Dan Snyder spends money to support Native Americans because he HAS to because of the backlash this shitty name gets him. That is all.

"Sad E3 lineup" What, because they didnt actually show ALL the games coming to the system during the show? What they showed were select third parties they wanted to show off, just like MS. But, almost all the stuff MS showed is ALSO coming to PS4, so when you take away exclusives from both shows, you have a ridiculous

Sometimes people appreciate bluntly laying into a fanboy instead of trying to get into a dialogue that will go nowhere because, well, fanboys.

What did MS show that looked worth a damn they hadnt already shown before?

-In Forza Horizon you can go off road and run into things, and itll have no effect on gameplay or how fast youre going! OH man, dat next gen. Hell, the biggest talking points of Forza Horizon were you get to drive in pretty places. So

Maybe because Sony is ahead this gen, and can afford to stop and gloat a little bit at this point and time? Maybe MS focused on games and only games because thats what MS has to do try and convince gamers to buy their console and catch up to Sony? Microsoft actually acknowledging Sony and Nintendo is purely PR, as

Agreed. Next gen in amount of things being shown on screen only. This looks just like the Ubisoft formula they've been implementing in everything from Far Cry 3 to AC to Watch Dogs over the last few years, all with a few new coats of paint.

I sense aggression for no good reason.

That footage tho. Hopefully it actually turns out to look that good. Frostbite is amazing, but I've never seen it look THAT amazing. Heres hoping it doesnt have to get dumbed down. But, I'm also wary given its DICE developing it. I had so much trouble getting into BF4 because of the launch issues, then they seemingly

Looks like the gameplay is a rip off of Deadlight to me.

The butthurt is strong with this one.

While Destiny does t look to be as impressive as Bungie made it out to be (all the classes play nearly the same, so it's hardly like the MMO shooter RPG) what it does offer is a co-op story mode that I have always felt are the best experiences I've had playing games. Co-op is hugely under utilized in my opinion and I

Oh hooray, another Zelda on 3ds. Like we didn't already have 2 of those (1 of them a remake already) since launch. For a company that's so innovative in its ideas throwing another Zelda at people to keep them busy until a proper one seems like a slap in the face.

I dont know. What with 5 LotR movies, many games, and Game of Thrones saturation into popular culture, I find myself skeptical if I'll enjoy this game. I've grown so tired of the LotR and everything inspired by the series. The over-dramatic way that things unfold, the tropes, the dialogue, it all has started to grate

Time for Capcom to continue their tradition of bringing lazy and poorly performing console ports to PC!

Tell me how giving something away for free helps low sales? lol. I've sold $14.5 million worth of this game but it just wont sell any more. I know! Ill give it away for free and then Ill have...hmmm...$14.5 million.

Im not sure what advertising you were reading, but everything I heard for the film pre-release was nothing but talk of visuals and the IMAX 3D experience.