
"The Gilmer County Sheriff promises that all of the students who were drinking at the party will be charged, and that rape charges may be forthcoming against Chapman, Haynes, and Johnson."

Why would charges NOT have been filed yet? Why is it even a consideration to NOT charge them with rape? Lets see, four boys take a

This makes up for your Watch Dogs review Kirk :)

But there are parts of Chicago that exist with these kind of people. Large projects full of crime and primarily black residents. Like, literally, right next to the baseball stadium. Are we more worried about reflecting the reality of a city that actually exists into a game we make, or are we more worried about going

No no, youre missing the point. Watch Dogs wasnt recommended by KIRK because KIRK felt the main story line is cliche, dull and poorly motivated. The main fun mechanic (hacking) is under-utilized in favor of generic shooting and racing. I, on the other hand, find Aiden to be interesting, the story, while cliche at

THANK YOU! For the love of God, this. Ive been playing the game for probably as long as Kirk has and Im only at the end of Act II. Im taking so long because im trying specifically to not kill anyone. I have barely even tackled the side missions. That he completed this game and all the side content he did in that

Please dont speak for "most of us PC players" when you share your own experiences, because while many have had problems, I have had a solid 60fps on ultra the entire time. So no, not ALL of us are having trouble...FFS

Ah, another boring song that takes 5 minutes to get to anything other than ambient noise and drum beats. Oh kotaku, you should suggest to suggesting games.

Well considering we have been asking for an HD Zelda for a while now, and the only thing we got was a remake of the cartoony Wind Waker, Id say wanting a more realistic Zelda, or something in the middle, is understandable. Or we can go two Zelda releases in a row with cartoon Zelda.

more than likely a twitch streaming issue

comments of virgins over the internet.

The puzzles seem fairly straightforward, just a small challenge to flesh out the exploration

except they did do that with 4 lol. It felt like halo cod, and the reaction was very mixed among fans

Well lets see, the guy posts about the Xbone news from that day being all that matters. We could look at the THOUSANDS of comments made on stories devoted in some way to a pro/negative Xbone/PS4 article and assume that most people are busy trolling others over which system they bought, or discussing the BIG news of

Well lets see, the guy posts about the Xbone news from that day being all that matters. We could look at the THOUSANDS of comments made on stories devoted in some way to a pro/negative Xbone/PS4 article and assume that most people are busy trolling others over which system they bought, or discussing the BIG news of

"You're one of the few people who actually commit themselves to exercise! America didn't become one of the fattest countries in the world because people went out and played paintball with their friends or whatever the fuck Squash is."

Gives guy props for going out and getting exercise and not being lazy

Assumes most

Well now, if the product is niche, the product is niche. I dont think there is denying its a niche product. But, just because something is niche and wont work for most people doesnt make it inherently bad, either for the consumer or the producer of the product.

Most assholes who are overly pessimistic, talk for other people, and tend to discourage someone for thinking they might enjoy something the "majority" of people wouldnt take up, arent realists, theyre assholes. Its possible to make a point without speaking for other people.

How arrogant are you? Someone says "Id take up Counter Strike for this setup" and you say nope? Really? So youre them now? Who the fuck do you think you are? Oh man, itd be so hard to play this for a little while until you get tired, sit down, and play it again later...It wouldnt be worth it to get a little exercise

I have a story that relates to this news in a personal way.

When I was a teenager, around 13 or so, I wasnt very popular, and was very heavy. I didnt have many friends, and spent a lot of time by myself. I went to school with a kid since we were in elementary school, but we didnt really know eachother that well. One

no, you think it looked awful, the people taking the time to mention it here obviously do not think the same. Opinion is a funny thing, because opinions are never "wrong" but it and the person using it becomes pathetic when they use it as fact and blanket it over other people, especially someone else's hard work. Most