
Also consider that Ill pay SIGNIFICANTLY less for games than you will by waiting for steam sales, that gives me much more money to spend on upgrading my rig, which I can do procedurally. But you have to wait to play games instead of getting them exactly when you want them you say? Oh, but too bad I ALWAYS have a back

Nobody factors in the mouse, keyboard and display because....most people have a mouse, keyboard, and display already? My PC is hooked up to my TV, that Ive had for years, and Im using my old keyboard and mouse I bought long ago that still works perfectly fine. Consider that most PC gamers who are getting "new rigs"

YOU have no idea what youre talking about. Optimization means being able to run efficiently. You can have amazing visuals, but if they run at 10 FPS on a system that was able to run games like Crysis 3 at 60 FPS (which the visuals in BF4 are only marginally better than) then the engine is poorly optimized.

Oh god, toughen up. Its a cartoon man and a dog FFS.

Looks so bad lol. Those textures...yuck...Those expressionless faces of the characters. They look so plastic....Oh, and lets not forget, ANOTHER INVASION STORY!! Man, this is gonna be such a shit-tastic game. I cant wait for it to sell so much less than the other CODs. I really hope it does. Infinity Ward is garbage.

It's a work if fiction for fuck sake. A work of art. There are PLENTY of completely messed up and horrific things that take place in literature but just because games are participatory and visual we have to censor it? Stupid. I don't care if I kill a child soldier if its part of a compelling, well told story. It's a

Look man, the guy is right. Sony allows for remote play on all of their titles, it's Ip to the developer whether they choose to use it or not. That's not on Sony. Is Sony sort of z jerk for saying tons of games would work on remote play only to have few developers use it? Yes. But they're making remote play mandatory

Yea, bill gates has caused the downswing of Microsoft....are you drunk? Microsoft was never more powerful then when gates was with them at the helm, but what, you're gonna blame a guy who founded a company and ran it for decades for wanting a change of pace in his life? Hardly. CEOs hand over the mantle all the time,

Oh NO! DRM is so EVIL! I mean, having a platform where you can have your games stored to an account, and can download your game any time and not have to worry about losing it or ruining the cd and having to buy it over again. No, thats evil, Id much rather have to hold onto games ive purchased forever and hope that

Are you on crack? Everything that's been shown at trade shows, Of every next gen game, has been shown on PC, NOT THE CONSOLES. These consoles are mid range PCs at best, and to day that these consoles will run next gen games better, or that these games wouldn't run as smoothly on PC, is fundamentally wrong and just

....u mad bro?

Always a good question on holiday weekends. In between work, I'm gonna try and squeeze in a few rounds of the 2010 Medal of Honor. Got it in the Origin Humble Bundle and me and a few friends have been having a blast with it. Seems like the Bundle has added a decent amount to the player base. Funny, cuz I got

I dont think that people hate the idea of free to play. Ive seen the wonders it does on some titles, some that I genuinely enjoy. But those titles are few and far between, and us "core gamers" feel slighted that an industry that we helped fund with our interest and dollars in the first place, that ballooned to

And yet the minute to minute gameplay is far superior to that of the walking dead, which was boring to say the least. QTE's or menu and dialogue selections for Yeh entire game? Yuck, no thank you.

You felt weak in a game about an apocalyptic outbreak killing millions of peoples? Gee, I'm sorry you didn't get to feel like that jackass from dead rising who can tie chainsaws to a pole and spin around like a top cutting off zombie heads. I still felt like a Badass as Joel, but the point of this game was to feel

It's shallow for people to be tired of the anime art style? I can tell you, after 20 years of playing games, I'm worn out by anime and its tropes. People are right to have their opinions. You're someone who likes anime style and the kinds of stories they tell( look at your avatar) but it's shallow and shortsighted for

Gimme a break. There is no impact in Japanese storytelling. That's why nobody in the west cares about the Japanese stories being told. Its easy to see, as someone who really enjoys Japanese games that you're going to think their brand of storytelling is superior. Maybe it is, who knows, certainly not me as I don't

Its the video feed. Like that for nearly every video from gamescom I watched so far today.

Except gamestop and nintendo are the only companies to have the rights to print this game in north america. So, it seems kind of coincidental that the only company that can print a new copy of the game, suddenly comes across a huge influx of used copies that look brand new, and is selling them for $90. They could

Yuck. Those flat textures, those square structures. This game seriously LOOKS terrible, no matter how well it controls. Looks like CS:Source in spots. CS:Source and the Source engine not being a bad engine, just an old one. But visuals like this for a game that came out a year ago? Yeah, terrible.