
People tend to make fun of Mac users because they pay out the ass for underpowered systems that the equivalent of is half price on PC, then they cite the OS differences as a major reason they prefer Macs, despite the existence of dual booting that let's you have your Mac and ur Pc games too. It's stupid. There is

actually, most of the people here probably spent less money on their rigs than A mac costs, because they built their own PCs. If you go out and buy a "gaming PC" built by some company like alienware, or worse yet, a more common brand like Dell and HP, your probably paid out the ass for components that weren't very up

See, when I run into people who say "I had issues on my PC, but my Mac runs everything without a hitch" I wonder, A.) Did this person really have any idea the components inside of their computer and how they function, and B.) Where do all these mysterious "PC PROBLEMS" come from for these people?, because as someone

I agree with everything you've said, but I think the way Microsoft planned for the reaction to go and how it's gone so far, are two different stories. Ideally, Microsoft hoped that they could provide some good first party titles using Kinect as a selling point for people to come for exclusives, but they mainly wanted

Am I the only one here who didnt find this creepy, but just thought "polygons" the entire time? Idk, probably the same reason I dont find horror movies scary at all.

Which falls back to the point that infuriates the hell out of me. Everyone praises Nintendo and the Wii last gen because they "won" that generation because of console sales. Meanwhile, most of the people who bought a Wii are the same idiots who dont care about gaming enough to know that the WiiU is an entirely new

Ah, I see how it goes. Patricia is allowed to call out everyone she feels is "objectifying" women but she's allowed to throw up a post like this.

See, if this were to be a post about a woman cosplayer, and she was wearing a tight outfit that showed off her body, and we were to comment on her "assets" in the same way

The WiiU has been selling less than half, sometimes as little as a fourth, the amount Ps3 and 360 sold after their First two months at market every month since launch. Marketing might help, but I doubt it would double their business. People are aware of the system, but core Nintendo fans already go the thing in the

If it's selling worse then it's not doing comparably better, marketing or not.

And with the WiiU, 3rd party games are a completely lost cause because of the lack of power in the system. Sure, you can have all those Nintendo titles that you love so much, but those games aren't as "great" as reviewers who grew up on Nintendo make them out to be. Most of Nintendo's titles have inflated scores

I wanna know exactly where this "does comparably better" line comes from. Any figures? Cuz I'm fairly certain both last gen systems had better sales figures than this.

You only just posted this article yesterday, and Im not accusing you of anything, just making suggestions to help out next time. What I take issue with is someone telling people "I know what a deal is, you dont" as a way to invalidate their opinion, especially on something so subjective, especially when as a

No, you simply provide opinions on a subjective issue. I wasnt complaining in the first place, but backing up what others were saying. Even though Blood Money has been $0.75, when were talking about a matter of a few dollars for the best game in a franchise, I think $5 can still be seen as a good deal. I look at the

Really? Because your opinion is the end all, be all, of what is determined a good deal? You're basing the idea of what a "good deal" is purely on what a game cost at that point, vs what it was offered for earlier, and how often it goes on sale. Unfortunately for you, there are many people who would say, even though a

Shane, I'm sorry but you sound like quite the dick here, because the guy is right- there were deals on entire franchises, not just the newest releases in the franchise, and throughout the sale here was hardly a mention of them, both here and on steam.

And "good PC" and"mini/micro ATX" dont go together very well. If you want any kind of decent GPU thats going to fit into some small form factor case, youre going to have to search and pay a lot. Believe me, Ive been building desktop towers since i was 14, and having a small desktop sucks in comparison to having a full

What laptop are you playing on that gets molten hot? Are you not playing with it on a table? Every laptop is going to get uncomfortably hot sitting on your lap, but really, how often are you in a room with no table where you need to game on your lap? Or a better question would be, how often are you in a room with no

Once again, youre telling me the "issues" my friends "must" be having with heat and battery life with such certainty...its pretty funny to be honest. Apparently you can only think of a gaming laptop in terms of having it without anywhere to plug it in, and having it rest on your lap....meanwhile there is rarely ever a

Haha none of those issues plague the laptops my friends have had for over two years now, there's really no need to upgrade even after two years for them. Spend the money and you get a laptop that will do just fine for years. Or you could just make blanket statements about them being crap.

Laptops aren't for gaming? Guess you should tell that to all those gaming laptop manufacturers....gaming laptops are actually great for lan parties, and my friends Acer thag was only $1000 can run pretty much anything outside of crisis 3 and ARMA 3 maxed