
Yes, because having a problem with a whiney bitch like yourself means IM THE ONE who needs a tampon, even though youll still bitch and moan about this game not being some lame ass scrub game that caters to people who dont have time enough to complete it and who feel its too "hard" of a game based upon their own poor

HAHA youre such a hilarious whiner..."Man those clickers are too hard, why didnt the developers give us a better option as to how to kill them?

"Oh, they gave you an ability you can upgrade that makes it much easier.....WELL THAT JUST SHOWS HOW MUCH THEY SUCK, FOR GIVING ME SOMETHING I PRETTY MUCH ASKED FOR IN THE

"Were fine with mediocre gameplay"

I think the droves of 10's this game has been getting outweigh your absolutist opinion of your experience with the game. Evidence for this game being amazing is vast, while your gripes, while valid, are nothing thats going to take away from the greatness of it...so just save your

Yes, we should make all games an unchallenging crapfest to cater to those who dont have the time for their hobby of choice so they can just breeze through it in between feeding the kids and putting them to bed and going to sleep at 11pm. We should dilute the experience so everyone without the time and patience to

Haha youre hilarious. You keep blaming all of these things on the game as "bad choices", meanwhile there are reasons for everything you are complaining about...Your NPC companions arent seen unless you are seen, and dont fire unless you are seen and have alerted an enemy...Their bad AI is actually your bad

"Clickers who can only be stealth killed by shivs" or stabbed directly in the neck from the front if surprised....or beaten with a pipe from out of stealth, or with a board...or shot with a gun....or all the other ways you can fight a clicker....

Its supposed to feel realistic. You arent supposed to feel like some dumbass space marine who can fire from the hip. Youre a father from the south with no military training. You expect him to just blindfire and be able to shoot without aiming? What are you smoking? Clickers are one hit kills because they rip your

I picked up this game for exactly that reason ass clown. Its not supposed to be a walk in the park. If you dont like the game, thats your decision, but there is a counterpoint to everything that you brought up design wise. Please, tell me more about all these "bad design choices" that practically the best developer of

Then maybe you shouldnt be a gamer, because im sorry, games have ALWAYS required time to complete, and if you dont want to invest that time, then you shouldnt play those games. Please, enjoy crap like Angry Birds.

Because if clickers didnt take one shot to kill you, and werent difficult to kill, the game would be easy and there would be no tension. You could just melee your way through every section otherwise. The game is definitely balanced, and youre pretty much the only one whom Ive heard making such a ridiculous complaint.

Yeah man, theres not enough support out there from big developers....even though most huge AAA PC developers and even console developers want to work on it. Shit, the thing was started on kickstarter no more than a year ago i think, and youre complaining that its not what, at the support level of a new console? Get

Whats more innovative than something that literally takes you into the space of a game? Oh yeah, thats right, consoles with a little bit more horsepower. If upgrading the innards of a machine is considered "innovation" to you in 2013, then thats sad. Whats innovative about the new consoles. "I dont want a new way to

Whatever man, youre the one who came in here starting shit. Maybe not by wanting the "truth", but definitely inferring that those who disagree with you only think things that are AAA are good games, and that people hate the spirit of creation for liking how Sony handles exclusives (WHAT?). Meanwhile, nobody said

Sony has....a film studio they need to support too? Last time I checked, MS didnt own Pizza Hut, but that doesnt stop them from having a tile on the first page of the dashboard devoted to Pizza Hut promotions now does it?

This "for the gamers" ad campaign...ive never seen it....so it certainly hasnt gotten to me and "brainwashed" me into thinking Sony is some masterful indie playground. No, whats gotten me to think of Sony as a good place to go for indies, is the constant stream of games getting positive coverage and reviews on gaming

Basically, people like me see MS feeding us garbage about caring about this or that, and saying they have for a long time, meanwhile their actions speak an entirely different story, and its insulting to consumers that they think we are so stupid and have such a short memory that were just going to swallow this flavor

All you want is the truth! And yet the truth doesnt matter if Microsoft completely abandons the idea of promoting all that content. Over 3000 titles means absolutely nothing if you dont tout them, or even showcase them on the dashboard. Its one thing to say "look MS has all these indies" but their lack of support for

And for all those games 99% of them are crap, so who cares how many games there are for a service when they aren't even good? 360 had a time where they had quality titles that actually got coverage to the common person, but there hasn't been one big indie game on 360 with any buzz since before minecraft. Meanwhile

Yeah you stupid dick, stop liking someone and having a good opinion of them!!

Terrible, take this to a private blog and never share it again.