
I think its safe to say that they said screw episode 3 at this point, so why do they need to clarify? They don't owe you anything. They've made a bunch of great games in the meantime. I would assume they wanted to make a game to usher in the next gen, just like HL2 ushered in the last gen And set a standard for what a

Because god knows HL2 didn't take forever to develop, and introduced an engine so advanced and influential for a time, that it probably took forever to make, and is still being used today on NEXT GEN games like Titanfall. Have some damn patience and wait for another great game, with another influential engine. These

But it was. There's a reason why developers, journalists, and gamers in general, hail the game. It's oft considered the best game of all time. Not because the experience is unmatched, but because it's one of those games that took years to catch up to, and the industry was influenced forever from it. Personal

Everything they mention in THIS article are things already available and implemented on the PC for years, I'll read their further promises at a later time, but they're just promises. Show me something tangible not marketing PR BS.

I read just this article, not the link, as I was on lunch break at work and didn't have time to go farther. And as I've stated before, this cloud is full of a bunch of promises, but nothing in terms of solid evidence they can actually pull off any of it. I'm still skeptical. But please continue with the unprovoked

Next gen must mean they just take things available on PC for years and call them "new" again.

Hear an opinion, make a totalitarian, personal judgement of someone's value. I see that you are the person to tell others what's right and wrong....believe me, this shit goes both ways. There are MANY women where I work who are just as bed as men when pointing out and talking about an attractive person they see. I'm

Whoa whoa! How dare you do something creepy as look at a woman and judge her as beautiful. You must surely have been checking her out and thinking creepy things about her, and thinking about raping her or some other terrible act, because that's what all men do to "beautiful women" they see, is think terrible thoughts

Did I say it was right? No. I think it's stupid, but E3 is hardly professional outside of conferences and booths by pubs and devs. There are a lot of members of the public (you know mature adults who display!) That come in, and the idea Its to generate buzz and entertain. It's hardly a professional atmosphere on the

Omg guys omg check it out! A woman oggling a man and admitting she likes what she sees!! Holy fuck it's like she's living in the real world!!

Yeah, because everyone is that perverted. You have A very skewed, distorted view of what goes through peoples minds. Fact is, as men, we are designed to be attracted to a woman's features, and the urge to look is something that affects ALL men who are straight from time to time. So, were working against nature and our

Yes, a "professional" atmosphere full of video games and girls paid to.dance around barely wearing anything. For shame!

This was easily one of the most hilarious, entertaining articles I've read on this site. Thank you and bravo, Mr. Fahey.

It makes no sense though. Yeah, you're paying for early access to the game, but who knows of this game is any good? Who's going to pay $90 to play a game that's barely finished and glitches? To be honest, the author is right, people paying aren't playing to be bug hunters, they're playing cuz they want the game early.

Doesn't change the fact that you're still complaining about something that's been part of consoles for years now, and pays for itself with free games. You're statement of it being a few indie titles is dead wrong, there are AAA quality titles available all the time for free on PS plus. If $5 really kills it that much

Most people have no problems with their PC games, and the open nature and variation of the platform leads to comparability issues....but most problems are VERY simple to fix, and are actually gratifying to complete, you learn a little something too.

And other companies don't participate in said NSA program, while Microsoft was the first on board and helped develop the system in the first place. So ya, Microsoft is just as bsd, and don't give a shit about you, your data, or your privacy.

Your point is understood, but Sony will be rolling out its own cloud service after launch, which will likely mimic the Ones features, so that's a pretty moot point. And though they're packing in a Kinect, And taking into account all of the functionality that comes with it, I don't really care for Kinect, as many

do you live in the real world? Sony offers all of these social and video features, which will require a massive amount of data transfer, and you just expect them to eat up that cost? Jesus Sony, you're such a dick for charging less than Microsoft has been for years, not allowing an internet connection for single

So far I guess Microsoft just expects us to believe them about these "revolutionary" gaming experiences, because all I've seen so far is CG trailers and barely any interactivity outside of forza and COD. Bring on all the Kinect functionality, AKA fancy QTEs