
What this basically boils down to, and youve taken this argument and run with it to the point where its so muddled that you cant even really tell where you started, is that youre getting butt hurt over an internet site making a joke, on a page labeled as humor and satire, to defend vigorously defend a news network.

But its valid. I know plenty of kind hearted people who have views that completely contradict their outward nature, and therefore makes me dislike them because I know that, despite the face they put on, and their overall nature, they still harbor terrible, biggoted opinions and ignorance. Shit, my mom is an amazing

Yes, please, let me look up every small minority in the United States so that Im being completely fair to every group....thatll only take me what....a few hours? If I went through and just went, well you know, .78 percent of their viewership is Brazilian, and .89 percent is Cambodian....oh man, yeah, im being super

Im glad that actual service members, and kotaku readers, silenced this sensationalist, sentimental and overly sensitive douche.

Actually, the tone of this article basically mocks the way that news stations, and political figures in general, use the troops and service members as an avenue to manipulate peoples feelings. They hide behind the troops as a way to promote their political agenda, basically disrespecting service members and using them

Yes, those hispanic viewers count, just like the hispanic vote that didnt show up enough to be larger than the hispanic vote that Obama got in the election. In fact, it wasnt even close. So, that hispanic population is actually very small in the larger group of hispanics who watch all network news. So you have what,

So was he wrong in pointing out that the primary audience for Fox News is old and white? Nope. Was he wrong to say that those people will continue to get old, and eventually die? Nope. Was he wrong in predicting that, as that base audience dwindles no longer exists, it is less likely they will replace said audience,

Fact is, Fox News is a dishonest, ignorant channel that misrepresents facts and is terribly bias. They often spit hate speech and advocate for limiting the rights of certain groups of the population. Those who watch it, by association, support all of the shitty things that Fox News represents and advocates for.

Haha saying that an old white audience is going to die off isnt the same as wishing people dead, idiot. Its just...a fact? And youre treating it as a personal attack? Get over it!

Everyone MUST be offended and MUST sit in the corner and think about what society has done because Patricia, beholder of all that is righteous and PC in the world, told you to. No matter that there are gay people on this site, stating the obvious that their straight friends make gay jokes about them to their face and

Oh please. Get over it. Just because I was born a straight white male, Im attacked on a daily basis by PC people as the CAUSE of what keeps them oppressed, just because I fucking exist. I staunchly defend gay rights and am probably one of the only people in my circle of friends who gets physically upset about gay

Every time I see a BF3 video I think, "why oh why do I suck at THIS shooter"...Im too bad to play it without frustration, but it seems so great lol

The problem with this game comes partially from its setting and partially from the way enemy encounters happen. Bioshock, and Infinite, are very personal stories. The combat that happens in the original is usually in a dark room, and youre usually fighting murderous, deformed psychopaths. The violence is in our face

PC is THE way to play this game because the graphics are far better and the framerate is a solid 60fps whereas the console version apparently has some framerate drops that are pretty noticeable. I would probably just wait for a discount through steam though. Its only single player and quite short, so its probably best

English mother f@!&*r! Do you speak it?!

Yeah man, they completely ruined the series so much that I preordered it!!

God Patricia, why are there always WOMEN in your articles? You dont feature enough MEN in your articles, and Im frankly OFFENDED by this SEXIST kind of journalism you take part in.

I dont know where, but somewhere along the line, my enjoyment for games such as the ones listed above simply vanished. I find them nauseating and all part of the same ilk. So for people who absolutely abhor the entirety of your list of "great games for 3DS" (of which I know im not the only one), how would you justify

Can we stop talking about Pokemon like its some sort of AMAZING game series? Its been the same for over a decade, with changes that barely amount to anything, and the only reason anyone who isnt a child still plays it is because they grew up with it.

why the article didnt have this, i have no idea...