
Actually, he came here to speak his opinion on a game, an opinion that I share. Why dont you go crawl back in your troll hole and fuck yourself.

Thats what cracks me up about the internet. No matter how valid an argument may be, if someone has nothing to say that can really refute the argument they disagree with, they instead poke at something that makes no lick of difference in the overall point of the argument, like bashing someones tone, just to bring that

Youre right, using capital letters to punctuate my point MUST mean im mad. And my well put together, valid points, are instantly made worthless because of the tone you gathered from it. Or maybe youre just a troll.

Really? THIS game is your game of the year? You really got invested in this douche bro enough to see it through to the end? You really believed that he could become Rambo merely hours after his brother was killed in front of him, and then proceed to take down endless amounts of trained mercenaries with an AK47 despite

Im glad there are people out there able to say things like this that fly in the face of typical gaming journalist opinion (which is usually pretty bad to be honest. So many games get praise thrown at them for things like "mature story" and "player choice", and often times they are comically juvenile and thinly veiled)

Youre right. He shouldnt form his own opinion because it might be different than a lot of other peoples. And having your own opinion is....wrong? What? See where what you said up there made absolutely no logical sense whatsoever? Youre right tho, we should TOTALLY ignore our own feelings and opinions, even if they are

IDK what these guys are talking about. Maybe they think the thruster pack helps, but they must be pretty terrible players. I never see anyone using it, and those that do get owned often. Anyone Im fighting doesnt get close enough to use a thruster pack on me. Theyre usually dead before they get halfway down a hall,

Been playing games, VIOLENT GAMES, since the age of 8. Havent ONCE been in a physical fight with another person. We need to stop letting ourselves be convinced that our NATURAL urge for conflict (read: the hunt) is something to be ashamed of. Everyone has this within them, the potential for murder and violence, but we

Please stop with these articles. They are a joke.

Ah yes. Ignore the obvious point that TriForce made. I mean, you live in THIS country right? You've heard the media we have in THIS country, correct? Didnt we just get done with one of the most HATEFUL elections in decades, in which news companies turned EVERY SINGLE MISSTEP by either candidate, no matter how big or

You know, I think the problem people have with this is how illegitimate his whole argument is when you consider just how little HE himself has actually been through, and how he stands on his soap box trying to say how Sandy has changed him, and somehow these video games just dont seem fun to him anymore. Thats great.

You know, I think the problem people have with this is how illegitimate his whole argument is when you consider just how little HE himself has actually been through, and how he stands on his soap box trying to say how Sandy has changed him, and somehow these video games just dont seem fun to him anymore. Thats great.

I dont find it awesome, I find it completely lame and uninspired. Couldnt think of their own idea, so they basically stole the vibe from a movie that a lot of people on the dev team sure liked. Give it your own feel. It was the same as Drive pretty much. The old school lettering, the electro pop soundtrack, the

Luke, Ive always wanted to get into gaming journalism, but I really dont know where to begin. Any advice?

Yes, please continue to be critical of Kotaku, like everyone else who will STILL visit this site despite their complaints. I come to Kotaku because of the content, and theyre usually REALLY fast with up to date news, much faster than IGN or Joystiq. It really angers me, as someone who took journalism and English

your reply above pretty much cements the fact youre a moron.

Were not blaming conservatives. Were blaming Fox News. Whether your conservative ass likes it or not, it is THE station that everyone associates with conservative thought. If you dont wanna be thought of that way, dont let the station speak for you (like you wouldnt tune into it anyhow?). What were upset about is the

Youre a fucking idiot. Cant even take the fact that he pulled some actual names with actual studies behind them off the internet to prove your bullshit "well this MUST lead to this, how can it not!?" argument wrong. And since when is writing a book a bad thing? Clearly youre a dipshit.

Your last point makes no sense. In every situation, more frames in a game is better. Less FPS will not allow for things to look more cinematic or hyper real. I have no idea where you pulled that from.