
What a douche. Hes not impressed because, there are plenty of people who go out and do what these people have done, ALL OVER THE INDUSTRY, as their JOBS. If you want to have a job, then please be expected to be held to some sort of accountability and standard. What we see here is great, but the textures up close are

Despite how you feel about a consoles power and why it matters, it has a huge impact on making a purchase, Im sorry. People need to stop calling those of us who find horsepower attractive "graphics whores". Lay off. We like our pretty things, but the point of not buying a low powered console a year before consoles

People were pissed they removed the BFG edition because the "graphical enhancements" and flashlight were the only real things they added to the game...and then they wanted people to buy only the bundle for i think $30. Problem is, the improvements they made were all previously done by the modding community to a better

Seriously? Are we wasting our breathe on another stupid internet fad thats going to die out in a month? Is this whats really important? Nobody really likes the song anyhow. Those who hate it dont listen to it, and those that do listen to it, only listen to it for how ridiculously stupid it is. You put it on and people

I cant really say I'll miss the guy simply because I thought he was very self absorbed and gave himself too much credit as the "creator" of these games, when in all actuality, he just helped to think of the idea and matrix behind the games. He didnt program, he didnt code, he didnt create the art. He just thought of

since when does "more than one thousand" equate to "thousands"? What if the actual number, say, was 1050?....not exactly thousands....

What a useless study. Of course you feel less pain when youre in an intense situation. Its the bodies natural reaction. I thought we figured this out decades ago? Mentally, youre in an intense situation when playing video games, and your body goes into a heightened mode of awareness and releases chemicals that make

It makes a huge difference when considering if he wants to purchase the system. Just because this info doesnt matter TO YOU doesnt mean that there arent people out there interested. It matters because, when we know the guts of the WiiU, we can properly decide if its worth purchase. If the components of the system are

Im not saying that mobile and social are going away, but there has been a bubble for the past few years where industry experts have predicted social/mobile to overtake traditional console experiences and threaten AAA titles as we know it. And now, Zynga stock is dropping and some people are beginning to question the

See, here is where youre wrong. Because, while there are plenty of stupid consumers out there who will waste their time on social games and mobile games, its a bubble. Most of those people arent gamers, and when that audience tires of those games, that bubble is going to burst. Look at Zynga right now. Stock is

"For all we know, social games are a fad."

Who the hell puts music like that behind a video of counterstrike? Its sooooooo bad

I am not a huge Japanese gaming fan at all, and I find most everything that comes out of Japan to be utter nonsense, melodrama, or just plain random crap. Most of the stories are absolutely god awful, and the entire Japanese gaming industry indeed gets a free pass because of the titles it released 20 years ago still

And yet the major advantage of PC gaming is the freedom to mod. The base game of Skyrim was always amazing, as review after review and massive sales have indicated. I dont know what kind of stupid friends you talk to who convince you to buy a game just because it has good mods, but theyre retarded. If a game has a mod

Then you must be well aware that you can hook up a PC to a HDTV and play from your couch with a controller if you so desire...and you must be aware that the only reason more people dont do so is because they have misgivings about PC gaming that are completely unfounded, and that MS, Sony, and Nintendo spend countless

Its hard for me to feel anything about any characters or my interaction with them because I know that they arent real. I cant really feel anything for something that I constantly remind myself isnt real, and is feigning existence for my amusement. I can respond to the action taking place, and the actions that I do,

Haha yeah he has addiction problems....no effing way. People need to get off their high horse. People drink every day, people smoke every day. It doesnt make them bad people for doing it. Its not about being cool, its about enjoying the experience. If you dont find any value in the activity, dont do it. We know that

I dont agree. GTA has always been tongue in cheek, but never so outrageous that it took away from the story like San Andreas did. Its the only GTA I never finished simply because of how stupid it was at points. I just couldnt get into how silly it was, or the main character. Maybe it was the whole vibe of the game,

This is funny after I just read the whole Modern Video Gaming thing you guys posted about EA. So I guess this is one of those few AAA releases that they decide to develop for console/pc thats supposed to be more about quality than number of releases? Seems like that business model failed pretty badly. Trying to