
He has been fined $2.5MM dollars, banned for life from any games/practices/public appearances and business ventures with the Clippers. His ownership is going to be voted on by the other owners. If 3/4 agree with it, his team will be put up for sale. Support for this from other owners is overwhelming.

Listen, we get about 80 years on this planet, at best. Much of that time is painful. The night is dark, and full of terrors. If you find something that makes you happy, and it doesn't hurt you or others, that is a great thing.

Clearly her erratic womb is just wandering around too much. If she would simply rub some honey on her vagina, it would be attracted by the sweetness and then someone could tie a belt below her ribs to keep it from going walkabout again.

Aw man......but now, let the Aisha Tyler bandwagon begin!

Obviously it's Hysteria from the faulty womb.

IKR? I have personally known people who have just this sort of thing coming to them but... I have stuff to do.

I just...who has this much time on their hands?

I assume its the same condition that Ahkenaten's daughters had yes?

My mom and sister and I like to re-arrange the hyphen such that it reads: Bum-pit

Thank you! It's paint chips from hardware stores; tons and tons of them cut into strips. Here's a better picture; I finally found a way to make my really crappy laptop work (so if I lose access again, to everybody else, thank you so much, but I'm totally trying to reply) so here's a much better quality photo to see

But that's just as bad. If your daughter reads Twilight, instead of just throwing it away, your job as a parent is to discuss it with your kid so they can understand that Edward is a passive aggressive abusive boyfriend and relationships like that are NOT okay.

Yeaaah but if my daughter ever tries to get her hands on a copy of Twilight... it might just "disappear"...

"The muppet working her mouth is trying to escape."

WTF, her head looks deeper than its height.

Yeah it looks like a "fall". The bangs look like they are not part of the rest of the hair. I think the bangs are hers and the back part isn't.


and after 22 years RAYMOND BOURQUE

Game Over.