You will not be advancing to the next challenge, please pack your knives and go.
You will not be advancing to the next challenge, please pack your knives and go.
It's not airborne..
I keep picking up vibes in the media about how "terrible" the health care professionals are for not doing enough, and I'm all, doing what? Their ranks are decimated, their families have kicked them out of their homes in fear, they're surrounded by the dying, they have no equipment or supplies, the government is a bad…
The irony is, it could end up an epidemic here in the US if people panic badly enough about the prospect of an Ebola epidemic here in the US. One of the biggest reasons Ebola is so bad in West Africa right now is because people were freaking out, refusing to cooperate with controlling local outbreaks, and just making…
I always though peeing in your own mouth was free.
Well to be fair, Texas was always a close second.
What's really baffling to me is how the Ebola outbreak in West Africa has been known for months now and up until a couple of days ago people were just being asked if they might have caught Ebola when entering other countries, including the US.
It's weird. You would think Florida would be responsible for the end of the world.
Today is National Coming Out Day.
Oh, and their soup comes out of an industrial-sized plastic bag.
Comedian Megan MacKay has come up with one of the best responses to the NFL and its completely shitty handling the…
Or you can explain your kids that women are free to choose if they want to be sexual or not. And that sexual freedom doesn't necessarily mean that it's imposed or obligatory, but you should be able to choose to what you want to be.
I mean, I know that society is patriarchal and women are expected to be sexy and sexually available no matter what we do in society, but I guess now I need to explain that to my sons?
"That was really her being bad. She's not a good babysitter," Abby said.
It does absolutely account for it. You just mussed the point.
You know nothing about dogs. A trained dog and a loved dog and a non abused dog will not attack anyone. Its that simple.
It's really sort of a mirror to, say, guns.
(Guns, 'Murka).
Way to miss the fucking point of the story.