The best part is you can tell how happy she is while she's out there.
The best part is you can tell how happy she is while she's out there.
She has the body of superhero. And the moves too. If I ever get stuck in a burning car wreck, I know who I want rescuing me.
I want her spotting me at the gym.
I'm giving 3-1 odds on gay sex.
Wow, I don't think I have fallen for someone from a comment alone! You are a veritable wordsmith madam!
"...slept with 200 women...". Er, no. Slept with 200 girls maybe, but as a grown-ass woman I gotta say, I wouldn't fuck this pale, scrawny little child with my cousin's pussy.
This raised-eyebrow-permanently-surprised/stoned look seems to be a real hit with The Youths these days.
Is this a new variation on duck face? Duck Face Squinty Eyes.
Well, then you must settle for cats only. The OP probably isn't ok with single parents adopting children, either. Those kids are much better off in foster care than with only a selfish, heathen mother.
Tish should've just made her some weed brownies like a good mother would.
I genuinely feel bad for people who don't understand the value or life that pets bring to their owners. I don't want to say I'm knocking Miley because everyone loves differently, but I do think mom really messed up in terms of replacing the old pup so fast. My family dog, a great pyr died last summer, and my parents…
Word! But I think it's weird for someone else to make that decision, even if there's no grief involved. Ha, my friend, bless his heart, got gifted with a puppy that he just can't take care of. Thankfully he's usually had roommates that take care of his dog, but if he didn't, I think we'd all be pushing even harder…
Everyone is different, of course, but when my last dog died I couldn't get another soon enough. It wasn't a "replacement" per se - it was just that a new puppy makes me happier than anything in the universe, and I had been so sad.
I know this is Dirt Bag and the author probably thought she was being funny or edgy, but she can go fuck herself because that Miley snark is shitty. Many people see their companion animals as members of their family and Miley can grieve for as long as she needs to, however she needs to.
I have a MASSIVE girl crush on Olivia Wilde, especially after watching Nick Kristof's documentary "Half the Sky."
Please!!! Do not BUY dogs or cats. The shelters are overflowing. I got both my pure Maine Coons from the shelter. There are so many purebred cats and dogs looking for new homes, its just crazy to support puppy mills and backyard breeders. All shelter animals have been checked out for temperment, whereas with a…
Definitely involves bagpipes...
Is it weird how thrilled I am by the news that Kesha is doing well? Given that I'm not even really a fan? No? Good. But it might be weird how much I want to share this photo of her from last week. Maybe? I'mma risk it...
He even asked her age, so it's not as though he went out deliberately hunting jail bait. I'm not saying it doesn't creep me out a little but last I checked creeping me out wasn't a crime.
She looks pissed.