
And then I burned everyone alive.

The minute we start judging people for wanting to be there to see their children be born, then that is the minute we know something is wrong with our society.

These guys get catcalled once and then are informed that it was a part of project. Then they were given the opportunity to consent to being on camera or have their faces blurred. That is far more consideration than women get when they are harassed or have creepshots taken of them.

There are a few guys that this would really rub the wrong way, but I also think even those men that are the most bothered, would later in hindsight appreciate the overall message of this performance if it was at least revealed to be a performance later.

I love the Everyday Sexism Project, and I like this idea - but there's no guarantee that the guys who are the 'victims' here are the jerks who catcall, etc. What I'd like to see is a bunch of workers who are known, personally, for catcalling to be subjected to this at random and see how they react.

I must go NOW to buy all of the Honey Maid products I can find. Thank you for giving me a lovely break from studying for my teaching reading competency exam tomorrow!

Best thing ever. I'm off to the store to buy some Teddy Grahms right now.

Police have released a photo of the suspect:

He'll put them in his closet and never wear them once, until his significant other says "OMG why do you have so many dresses? You should get rid of some of these." And then they will fight for 45 minutes. And then he will tell his friend Becky about the fight and she will go "yeah, but if you get rid of them, you

For a second I forgot Forever 21 is a store with money in it and I was wondering what the hell a werewolf was going to do with a sack full of tiny dresses.

I suggest we call this "the ivy crown."

You can be perfectly happy being who you are, but believe me, the continual nasty remarks from the peanut gallery of life can wear you down. And frankly, it's nice to look in the mirror and not see what drives you crazy.

Yeah it's kind of a paradox. Maybe implicit in the message is the concession that we have to play by certain rules if we want to avoid the assholes out there. Like, use this product to put yourself on a level playing field with people who don't have to deal with assholes making fun of them for these skin problems.

Yay, trolling. You should call the poster a cunt, too. The nerve NOT doing illegal things that get you pulled over and fined.

and tailgating accident statistics? I'll save you the trouble: second only to speeding, which he was also intent on doing.

I find the outrage toward the woman filming pretty hilarious. Unless you've NEVER texted, checked your FB or email, dialed a call, looked at Google Maps or fiddled with your Pandora stations while driving, you have no room to talk. All of those things are far more distracting than pushing a single button and

My feelings exactly. This is one beautiful piece of prose.

Friends don't let friends film in vertical.

It's apparently safer than staring at the car next to you for a good 10 seconds and flipping the driver off - as demonstrated in the video.

Come on, don't we all laugh at the misfortune of others? Especially cocky bastards? Can't just be me?