I think you mean armpit spears. To be used against rapists.
That's what my gynecologist said to me.
Oh fantastic! I want to have Labia gap by the summer because I want to look hawt in my new bikini so all the guys will talk to me. I hear guys think girls who don't have Labia gap are real bitches.
This is actually indicative of the new trend happening amongst young Tumblr professionals these days, which is "labia gap." The idea is that your vaginal lips must be positioned to form a sort of upside-down horseshoe; the wider the horseshoe, the more cachet among your fellow teen bloggers. There is training that you…
I agree and kind of resent that people have to be given the benefit of the doubt over their health. Skinny, fat, whatever, someone else's health doesn't need to factor into what their worth is considered as a human being.
It is. This is just another person who trolls these articles just waiting to tell you about how you're doing it wrong (and also that you're ugly while doing it wrong).
Anybody who's not doing what I'm doing to maintain the lifestyle I'm maintaining is obviously doing it wrong. I'll be over here. Judging.
Next step: condescending Facebook shares and diatribes!
What a weird comparison. I wouldn't say Lindsay was ever as dedicated as Tonya.
All the victim blamers in the greys are almost as disgusting as Terry Richardson.
Not sure if you're trolling.
That's not how consent works bro.
The boyfriend owns her but she can't own herself, she isn't important.
I used to work at a warehouse bakery that supplied many, many cafes. Sometimes the cafes would order more muffins than they could sell in a day, and when the drivers picked up their boxes, there would be super-stale muffins in the box, because the cafe would be trying to get a discount, claiming we had sent them stale…
Liquor does not "change the chemistry of antifreeze." Your body ends up too busy processing the alcohol, so your enzymes don't get the chance to process the antifreeze and kill you. The alcohol is a competitive inhibitor of the ethylene glycol in antifreeze.
So... basically... we should be drinking vodka prophylactically? Just in case we one day ingest some antifreeze? You can never be too careful, you know.
I remember hating on Kesha in one of those shallow "eugh new popstar" ways when she first came around, but before long I realized I'd totally fallen in love with her music. I hope her stint in rehab helped her significantly.
I love you Kesha! Keep doing what you do and every time someone comes along and bitches that you're not "Ladylike" or "Classy" enough, you just keep being comfortable in your skin!