I have these Spiderman underwear that only comes in little boy sizes that I like to use for sexy times. They are really small and tight and make me feel really confident because Spiderman.
I have these Spiderman underwear that only comes in little boy sizes that I like to use for sexy times. They are really small and tight and make me feel really confident because Spiderman.
If I ever saw anyone wearing that, male or female, I think I would die of laughter.
I'll get on her bandwagon if she comes to my town with Harry and they compete with each other in a dragon boat race and he flies a rescue helicopter...oh wait that's what his brother and his bride did when they were here. Maybe they can just stop by and say hi. We're little, but we've had royals here 3 times in my…
That's not a real name.
We've apologized many times for Bryan Adams.
course, i could easy understand how one could confuse the those two things...
Better do both.
I'm a curvy woman, but my mother is a very thin woman and I hate the "real women have curves" bullshit. I work with a beautiful young woman that some people concern troll because she's very slim. That's her body type and she's a healthy girl but because she has a thigh-gap, she must have an ED.
Note to self: wrinkles are better than a red eye full of pus.
On the one hand, he looks exactly like I did last time I had pinkeye.
I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with that name.
Somali-*Canadian* rapper K'Naan.
This reminds me of a great quote from Maria Bamford:
"We're all equal, everyone is equal so why is there even a conversation about race? What is the white people's version of intersectional oppression? There isn't a word for it. There's no reason for it. Whiteism. Pale-ism. It doesn't exist."
Calling someone out on their intolerance is not intolerant. That's calling an ace an ace and a spade a spade. Don't use that canard that is being used by haters who get called on hating.
I don't think criticizing someone for perpetuating systemic sexism is the same thing as being mean
At this point, I can't believe the Bachelor producers were unaware of what a giant moron JP is. He's so obviously a manipulator, but only in the simplistic, self-involved way a 4 year old is a manipulator. I almost wonder if the producers looked at their viewers and said "You hate-watch this? Okay, hate-watch THIS!"
What's the man version of feminism?