
Only one of my acquaintances that I know of has had breast implants. She saved up for two or three years for it, and factored in the time she'd have to take off work from the beginning so that it was a part of the total costs. Since she'd been working every shift possible to save up the "boob money" (her words- she

I can't remember the last time I took a day off of work. Therefore I have almost 3 weeks of PTO built up. As long as people are planning these things out and not just jumping the gun on having a procedure right away I don't see the time off being the biggest of concerns.

Honestly I'm all for a reality show with Martha and snoop going across the country like how Oprah and Gale did.

It's a good thing...

or, you know, beer.

I can't believe it costs more to lift or reduce your breasts than it does to get a set of new ones.

I was really hoping that this list included laser hair removal because I am seriously considering that shit.

As someone with a sitting disability—which is hell, sheer and utter hell—I cannot fathom how a person would willingly do something to their butt that makes it unusable for anything other than pooping. It's impossible to appreciate how crucial the ability to sit is until you've lost it. I wouldn't wish that kind of

No sitting will be permitted for the first ten days

How about penile enlargement? I'm asking for a friend.

Not judging anyone who does this, but

I'm praying for you is a popular fundamentalist insult.

Lol no we don't. If anything, we have thicker blood because we have a higher amount of red blood cells to compensate for the smaller amount of oxygen taken in per breath.

Well said, Erin (re: your last sentences). As long as we continue to view obesity as an individual choice that exists in a vacuum instead of a public health symptom of systemic flaws in how people in poverty are educated and granted access to healthcare, we will keep throwing our energy and tax dollars away to "solve"

We're number one! We're number one!

I just googled scat play and instantly regretted it.

It's like the Mad-Libs of love!


You laugh now, but then Facebook will go ahead and buy it for dicktillion dollars. And then the brogrammers who brogrammed it will invest all of their money in axe body spray.