lol, it might. Don't let me put you off it - I'm just sharing my personal opinion.
lol, it might. Don't let me put you off it - I'm just sharing my personal opinion.
In some cases, I like her construction paper dress better.
Dude. I barely put on clean clothes each day.
Cuteness overload. I'm looking forward to wearing House of Mayhem in 2028—if it's sold at Target and fits over my old lady humps.
I can't believe she didn't photoshop out any of those wrinkles!
Ranch + cheese or pepperoni pizza = ambrosia. It is known.
Let's talk about ranch. I eat almost no diary but I like to put ranch on anything fried or pizza.
I really doubt there is any correlation. Speaking as a woman, and a member of the asexual community, I know a lot of aces that masturbate — and a lot of sexual people who don't.
All interviews with hot dudes should include puppies from here on out. MAKE IT SO.
It sounds like a lot to me as well. How do you find the time to do it twice a week? There's so much TV to watch!!!
Oh my.
I've found myself in that position after multiple relationships when I let on all too late that I'm just not that into frequent sex. Twice a month and I'm good. Anymore than that and I feel like I'm being badgered into having sex and that makes me an unhappy camper.
The logical answer to me is to just simply find a guy…
That's typical for me and my boyfriend, but with tons of grant deadlines and family-related stress lately, we're down to once every other week. Fortunately, we're both okay with it, since neither one of us really has the energy for more sexytimes. But my college self would be astounded I'd rather go out for tacos than…
Also, a little bit of fake-it-til-you-make-it isn't as bad as it sounds when it comes to sex. As Frank Kermit mentions, "If you want to protect the monogamy of your relationship, make the effort to sexually satisfy your partner, or risk pushing your partner away."
Am I the only one who thinks that twice a week sounds like a lot? Especially in a stable LTR/marriage - that's twice a week, every week, forever? I like sex with Mr. Peach just fine but we just don't get around to it that often because we're tired. Sad excuse, but dual income relationships with challenging jobs don't…
I've noticed quite recently that in all of my relationships, I have never been the one to initiate sex. I would be quite happy in a sex-less relationship. I don't think that it's a libido issue, because I masturbate quite frequently, but having actual sex with another person doesn't really intrigue me.
Their own rubber ducky???
For $15,000 I better get a complimentary orgasm.
Meh. If I had the money, I'd absolutely pay extra to fly in comfort. Or, to at least fly without someone touching me all flight. I'd pay a lot for that.
I take offense to that, the the cloaca is necessary for life, the Donohue is not.