
Only when she thinks of covering herself in butter.

Well, The Blaze is where the nuttiest of the nutbars congregate...the Glenn Beck crowd.

I am missing the injustice here; she wants city services but not to pay city taxes. She admits to using the sewer lines but not paying the bills. They capped her sewer because she wouldn't pay to use it like all of her neighbors were. She's not in trouble for using solar power. She's in trouble for using an

"SO WHAT: Katy Perry And John Mayer Have Broken Up."

Ooh I have a thing for this!

"Afraid" or... you know, not hopeful, but not really that invested either way?

Bruising your face with a penis doesn't necessarily imply hitting yourself with it.

Extremely powerful.

Doug, are you trying to reignite the Cake Wars? Because if so, I approve! #TeamPie

It's all fun until you run out of baby wipes.

Nope. Not weird. In fact, I too would like to try them. However, I think I'd have to set aside a weekend where I don't leave the house.

I can't imagine I'm the only one with this experience. How has nobody posted a picture of something going flaccid yet?
I would but I'm terrible at finding gifs.

Congratulations! From what I hear, half of parenting is figuring out how to function like a human while simultaneously convinced your offspring is lying dead somewhere AT THIS VERY MOMENT, so I think you're squarely in Camp Normal. If you find that you can't get past it even after multiple assurances that everything

I just have to say, this gifs/comments here are the best thing I have ever read on the internet. HASHTAG SO TRUE

All I'm willing to say is... rug burn. Oh and also trashy romance novels are a thing that boys should read, because at least I had some idea what should be going on.

Mark, you left out what's totally the best one.

Now playing

But I think we can all agree that the best acoustic version of Hey Ya was done by The Blanks.

Wait I'm confused. Her voice actually isn't that bad? But I listened to a few songs on her ablum and figured she was more of a 'performer' or 'entertainer' than a vocalist. Why doesn't she do more actual singing?