Lizzie from walking dead is going to kill all of them!
Lizzie from walking dead is going to kill all of them!
How about this: if you choose not to vaccinate your child, awesome, bully for you.
I had a pet rabbit as a child. We fed it rabbit pellets. They were brown and went into the rabbit in cylindrical shape. They came out the other end, essentially the same color and spherical. I thought that if we just made rabbit pellets spherical we could eliminate the need for rabbits all together.
To the anti-vaxxers: This is what whooping cough looks like in an infant. This is the misery you have wrought, you selfish, ignorant, scum-sucking assholes. I hope you all die in a fire.
That place needs a Coyote.
Ask Australia if it thinks rabbits are cute.
Paris Hilton's labia......that tired old thing again!
Like we've never seen it before.
I promise I'm not saying this to be mean. If I had been with you, and the duck pooped on you, I would have laughed for the rest of the day.
I'm sorry.
You win the internet today.
Or ... just leaving this hare. ;)
Have you seen porcupine eating?
I don't care what kind of creature it is or how cute and furry it is. If it's swarming, it's creepy.
Watch out for the nasty big pointy teeth.
Imagine him in a suit. Imagine it. Imagine him in a tie surrounded by a family of five dogs who are also wearing ties. Imagine this tie-wearing dog-loving man delivering a weekly address to the American people from the Oval Office.