
The Mc Bat Commander would be proud!

I took my son to his first concert when he was 9. Blink 182. A bunch of people left with their kids during the first song because they had the word FUCK in huge letters and on fire above the drum kit. I got news for you - this is far more offensive. It's gross. Not entertaining. She has a voice but the rest is

You're overthinking it. Women can have fake mustaches if they want to. You don't get your feminist card revoked for gender nonconformity.


Oh, it's definitely just for shock value. Miley Cyrus wouldn't know a pointed political message if it hit her over the head with a foam finger.

She's so goofy and not in a fun, self aware, campy way but in a juvenile, I need attention, I think I'm shocking when I'm really just ridiculous way.

I'm sorry, I guess giving your opinion on an artists' performance choices is now pearl clutching when you disagree with bringing up sex scandals from 12 years ago that don't matter anymore in order to get a cheap rise out of the audience .

My college had a old Steinway with ivory keys. Destroying a now nearly priceless (well cared for pianos increase in value with age - they sound better) baby grand would be ridiculous. What good would destroying it do? Those elephants are long dead.
Same thing for the palace. Make a large donation to conservation taking

The mustache thing is huge in Europe this year, on headbands, pins, rings, bracelets, scarves, etc etc. So perhaps not meant as genderbending as much as a cute meme, done in her country's colors.

And then there, ya know, this:

As if women can't have mustaches, you un-fun boob.

Really? Equating wild board to ivory hunting? Ivory hunting is problematic because it brings species to the point of extinction (in the case of the Elephant a keystone species), and you don't actually eat the fruits of your labor. It's a market completely driven (like diamond) but false wants not true needs.

Booooooooo! Lighten up, fun police.

Why does she have a purse? Is there no one backstage willing to hold it for her? Is there no coat check?

About 7 years ago, when William's receding hairline could no longer be ignored.

Indiana agrees.

No no no! Destroying works of art and artifacts of the past because you find them morally questionable is not ok! Ivory pieces will be a lasting artifact of the history behind them- how life was lived, what the ethics of the day were, British colonialism, etc. By all means, no more ivory in the future, and hell, you


I'll lose all faith in humanity if no reporters start an interview with, "I mustache you a few questions..."