Thank you for this.
Thank you for this.
I would totally manage to poke my eye out on that. It is beautiful though.
I'm glad I'm not the only person jealous of new Barbie's butt.
The smells. I quit almost 3 months ago, and I can smell EVERYTHING. It's starting to feel like some sort of horrible super power. It's not just obvious things like strong perfume either. I'm constantly asking friends "Seriously?! You can't smell that?" I'm smelling things that even non-smokers aren't smelling. I'm…
Montana is awesome.
I'm struggling with it as well. I live in a touristy area (ski resorts) in Colorado, and still DH and I are only paying $1200 a month for a 2 bedroom, 2 bath with a garage.
Please ask your friend to send me some rhubarb. I could use a taste of summer, it's still snowing here in Colorado, and I think I've forgotten what grass looks like.
They were everywhere in rural Northcentral Pennsylvania when I was growing up. Our cat used to catch them and leave uneaten halves on our doormat.
if no one has ever told you this before, or if you just have trouble believing it: you are good, you are whole, you are yours. You do not exist to please men, and your value as a human being is not contingent upon your sexual capital. "Purity" is a lie.
Flip flops are crap for quick retreats. Poor planning, punk-ass.
Maybe a tad?
I totally had this haircut in high school.
That is some Drag Race caliber contouring.
This is beautiful.
Yes. Yes she does.
On areas with a good amount of fatty tissue - arms, back, legs etc - it's really not bad. I think it feels like the sting of a good sunburn. But you're right, you're getting stabbed with a bunch of tiny needles thousands of times per minute.
I can't imagine how painful a nipple tattoo would be. Maybe they use a topical anesthetic like lidocaine? I have a large tattoo on my chest, and at the lowest point it's about 6 inches from my nipples. Getting that area tattooed was really unpleasant, it felt like awful stabby lightning radiating into my nipples the…
I will have to see if my local store will order it for me, it's a pretty small town - the selection for stuff like vermouth is usually pretty sparse.
Fuck yes! The juice is really just for color, any more and you're doing it wrong.
Ohhh... A Manhattan sounds amazing right about now.