Let her approach you slowly and sniff your hand to become comfortable with you. Remember, lesbians are startled by loud noises and sudden movements.
I'm replying to you, but also kind of to everyone in this thread that is missing the point dramatically basically due to a very simplistic way of looking at both feminism and the lgbt community. I'm not meaning to sound aggressive, but in an effort to be efficient, I'm going to number my points and my comment is going…
Wow, it must suck to have 200 professors publish a letter decrying your mother while you are still a student at the university. This takes humiliation via parent to a whole new level. I bet her son cannot wait to graduate.
Judas H. Priest, would it KILL you to make a man a sandwich and try not to look like a slob?
Related: I work part time at the zoo and we put different colored glitters in the food of the big cats so we can see who's poop belongs to whom. So, if you are going to post about rainbow poop, next time I expect more sparkle.
After the show's female lead mentioned "beer and fried chicken" in one episode, it became one of the most invoked phrases online. Restaurants cashed in and started selling beer-and-fried-chicken meals.
I don't think criticizing someone for perpetuating systemic sexism is the same thing as being mean
This one time, when I waited in line in the check-out at Whole Foods (checking my iPhone 7.3), I saw a mother with WIC vouchers buy like ... six containers of formula and then drive off in a car.
I was so distressed that I accidentally chipped my French manicure re-adjusting my Lululemon pants.
Welfare people, you…