My pet rabbit HATED kale.
My pet rabbit HATED kale.
I was a very very strange child.
Did they just recycle an article from 1986???… I'm just going to place the CDC recommendations for reporting to prevent Suicide Contagion. Please follow these to prevent harm to others! Media outlets have a serious impact on Suicide Contagion. Thanks.
This is NSFW, and it is the only appropriate gang bang for a birthday. Period.…
My brother's name is Scott. I would not be surprised in the least if he had a secret life as a Super Villain.
I have absolutely no objection to this. 'slowly sips coffee' 'crosses legs'
It's like the 2013 Adult Version of Reality Bites.…
So apparently there was a live stage version of this production with the same costumes.
Kaiser 2: Electric Boogaloo and I are trying to decide which costumes must have been the worst to dance in.
Props to being able to perform that well in giant animal heads. Bravo Ballerinas Bravo.
Is it bad I find it absolutely adorable.
Congratulations you just filmed yourself conducting a knowing felony assault. Have fun in DOC kid!
God I can't wait for his next Bugle episode on this.
If the child has a single weird eye. RUN. JUST. RUN. DON"T LOOK AT IT AND RUN.
1) She was in high school and she was a groupie. This came up because her mother found out she was having sex and made her go to another Catholic School where she met my grandfather and; 2) She refused to give details. She only winked and moved on with the conversation.
My grandma had sex with Frank Sinatra. "drops mic"
I have this sudden urge to start hammering pieces of paper onto wooden doors....
look up NCTE they have resources for employers with trans employees! Thanks for supporting your employee!
Hi, TransMan here. There is a serious issue with Feminists viewing FTMs as "traitors" to the movement and that we are leaving our supposed "womanhood" for male privilege. There is a lot of very vitrol and angry language against FTMs in certain feminist circles.