
+1 Star for that weapon-grade level of sarcasm. Love a good laugh in the morning.

Internal memos show that it was considered, but some of the executives associated with Star Wars felt there was too much IP overlap with the First Order.

The Year of Hell” is what all of “Voyager” should have been.

They aren’t dense in the way that Ulysses is dense. It isn’t particularly HARD to follow. They are dense in that they are closely intertwined with a WHOLE lot of stuff. There are tons of flashbacks, alternate universes, magical rules, etc., and even with all of the the wild stuff that goes on in an action way and an

Disney was aiming for some meaningless, tacked on bullshit that progressives in the West would give them credit for, but they could remove for more conservative markets, so that they wouldn’t hurt their bottom line. The fact that people want to give Disney any brownie points for this BS is hilarious. It’s more virtue

The single biggest thing we can do to do as individuals has been, and will continue to be, not having children.

No to income tax! Yes to wealth tax!

Wow. Playing Elder Scrolls Blades, are we?


I kind of feel like this is a self-solving problem, TBH. Just watch what you like, and avoid what you don’t. The entire Marvel cinematic output for 2019 amounts to less than five hours. If five hours in 365 days feels like “too much” of something and you need a break from it, I’m going to tentatively suggest that you

Now playing

To boldly beard, where no beard has bearded before.

What did Joss do that is #metoo worthy? Cheating on a spouse isn’t. I feel like people somehow forget that’s the allegation, cheating on a spouse which is something millions of people probably will do this week, including plenty of people bashing Joss for cheating.

It would ruin Last Jedi for me.

Now playing

Gotta disagree hard on this one. IMO Jagged Little Pill holds up as a top 10 90s album. It’s a viscerally angry album and Alanis is SO GOOD at getting her emotions across.

Oh, trust me, I have it on two platforms and have gifted it several times, haha.

My greatest fear is that this is going to go underappreciated. 

And what exactly is this an argument for? Should people start saying “the disparate collection of tools used to make this game has produced consistently crappy results”?

Fox is taking back the rights from Dark Horse

Please show us on the picture where your god is now?